Special interest at work: “Pope baptizes Italy ‘migrant hero’ at Easter Eve service” – Reuters. Not: In Easter address, Pope says ‘defenseless’ being killed in Israel-Gaza crisis

Catholic, Easter, Israel, Israeli terrorism, Palestine, special interest, Uncategorized, War on sovereignty, Zionism

In the Facebook “trending” bar: “Pope baptizes Italy ‘migrant hero’ at Easter Eve service” (Reuters) is the only news delivered about the Pope’s Easter mass, earlier today, to the Facebook public.  Moreover, it is featured towards the botton of the news list and right after it Facebook features another pro-Israel article from Reuters: “No Gaza inquiry, Israeli defense minister says”.  How very convenient to not investigate the death of 15 Palestinians, in Friday’s clash, at the hands of the IDF.  Would this be allowed if it happened in America and if it were 15 Americans that died?  No.  Is this decision by the IDF morally lacking?  YES.

Notice how they fail to publish the Real News of this Easter which is that Israel turned Good Friday into Bloody Friday at the Gaza border and that the Pope said, in his homily, that ‘defenseless’ are being killed in Israel-Gaza crisis.

Question More.

Reference:  Facebook & Reuters

Reference: Middle Eastern Eye, WordPress blog.



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