Free trade and illegal immigration

America, anchor babies, Establishment, illegals steal jobs, Jewry, landlords, localization, low-skill, Mexico, money laundering, NAFTA, over-population, Private Sector, refugees, Spanish, special interest

The greatest beneficiaries of NAFTA are:

Mexico, the Corrupt Elite in America, & Mexican Illegal Immigrants.

How does this system work?

  • Mexican goods come into the U.S. free of tarriffs.

  • Mexican nationals enter the United States, illegally.

  • Mexicans apply for and receive American citizen benefits (welfare, food stamps, social security).

  • With money they get from their network of illegal nationals or with emergency money from American tax payers (welfare/food stamps), they buy Mexican products and start up their own tamale business (for example).

  • They peddle through the streets selling the Mexican food they make to other illegals (who like a taste from home) and the general public.

  • The police doesn’t stop them because of sanctuary city status.

  • Illegals keep some of the money they earn.

  • Then they wire money back home to family members.

  • Some of them decide to join the free benefits network and the business opportunities and come into the U.S. to do the same thing.

  • To supplement their independent business (as street vendors) they work for business owners (like bodegas and 99 cents stores) for low wages.

Who wins?

  • Landlords– get rent from businesses that earn well by selling Mexican products and services to Mexican illegals.

  • Business owners– get cheap Spanish language labor and illegal immigrant customers that pay to use their services and purchase special products.

  • Doctors– get illegal immigrant patients through American medicaid for illegals.

  • Lawyers– get money from American tax payers to fund special programs to defend illegals from deportation.  In their private practice- they profit from illegals that hire them to get asylum Social Security money!

  • Politicians– get money from the corrupt lobbies in America that wants to keep the status quo going- even though they are cheating Americans with it.

  • Government officials/organizations– get tax payer money and money from special interest lobbies to promote the illegal immigration agenda.

  • Non-profit organizations– get tax payer funding to carry out a myriad of special programs and services for illegals.

Who loses?

  • American citizens  that end up contending with filthy, loud, rude, crime-ridden neighborhoods, that operate in Spanish

  • Americans citizens that get told that:  Surprise!  There’s no more Social Security money for your retirement or disability (because we used it up to fund illegals and our corrupt special interest).

  • Americans citizens that face unemployment because illegals have taken all kinds of jobs under the table.

  • American citizens that see government and non-profit efforts go to defending and helping illegals and their anchor babies- not them.

  • Americans citizens that become victims of hate crimes from jealous criminal illegals.

  • American citizens that become victims of their government and the corrupt elite operating in America.


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