The War on Gaza Will Be Over within 48 Hours, Israel Lost this Battle — UPROOTED PALESTINIANS: SALAM ALQUDS ALAYKUM


ARABI SOURI MAY 19, 2021 Gaza won this battle that Israel waged against the Palestinian people, the end of the Israeli aggression will be declared, directly or indirectly within 48 hours. The above is not a prediction, we do not speculate, we’re just reading the events, the data, and the progress of this renewed heinous Israeli […]

The War on Gaza Will Be Over within 48 Hours, Israel Lost this Battle — UPROOTED PALESTINIANS: SALAM ALQUDS ALAYKUM

Support for Israel is changing in America


Growing Support in U.S. Congress for Palestinian Rights, Rashida Tlaib Says


How America Can Ensure Its Tax Dollars Don’t Fund Israel’s Occupation
