NYC= Immigrant Wasteland (mostly Central American and Caribbean Latinos) : Free ESL classes, condoms on the street. July 30, 2015.

America, anchor babies, education, ESL, illegal immigrants, illiteracy, Jewry, low-skill, Mexico, money laundering, over-population, Plunder sector, Private Sector, sovereignty, Spanish, special interest, U.S, Uncategorized

Illegal immigrant wastelands throughout the U.S.

Real NYC

This is special treatment for illegals; free English language classes & at the public library, no less.

If the NYPL offers free English language classes to illegals, maybe they should add free Spanish language classes for American New Yorkers that financially support the library, no?  It’s just my thought.



Illegals: Are you getting all of your benefits today?

Can you believe the e-mail address of this program?  It’s: “”

Hmm, live on benefits in NYC?  That sounds easy and inviting.


Condoms, as you can see here laying in the street, probably included with ‘Benefits’ !


This is the harsh reality of illegal immigration.

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