“Colleges Are Preparing Kids For An Economy That No Longer Exists” As They Continue To Scam Parents And Students!

America, Plunder sector, Private Sector, Uncategorized

As I sat down to enjoy some smoked salmon at a recent BBQ I attended, I ended up at a table with two recent high school graduates. To my disappointment, when I asked them what their plans were for the summer and beyond, both said they were heading to college. With student loans and a […]

via “Colleges Are Preparing Kids For An Economy That No Longer Exists” As They Continue To Scam Parents And Students — ― ஜ ۩ Whiskey Tango Texas ۩ ஜ ―

Generational Disaster: Debt-Laden Millennials Set Back By $140,000 Vs Their Parents — peoples trust toronto

America, capitalism, Plunder sector, Private Sector, Uncategorized

As ZeroHedge readers are doubtless aware, massive student loans have become an anchor around the necks of millions of young graduates – who are finding it increasingly difficult to break out from under the yoke of crippling debt. Outstanding student debt has more than doubled since the 2009 lows alongside the world’s biggest experiment in synthetic economic growth […]

via Generational Disaster: Debt-Laden Millennials Set Back By $140,000 Vs Their Parents — peoples trust toronto

There Are 101 Americans With Over $1 Million In Student Loans — peoples trust toronto

America, capitalism, Private Sector, Uncategorized

Astronomically high college tuition facilitated by a bottomless ocean of student loans has saddled Americans with a record $1.48 trillion in non-dischargeable debt – an amount which has more than doubled since the 2009 lows. As we reported in January, nearly 40% of student loans taken out in 2004 are projected to default by 2023 according to the Brookings institute. While in March we noted that debt-laden millennials were set back an average […]

via There Are 101 Americans With Over $1 Million In Student Loans — peoples trust toronto