Coming Soon! The Equalizer: Unveiling niche markets, through translation, for greater equality

America, capitalism, economy, employment, illegal immigrants, illegals steal jobs, New York City, Spanish, Uncategorized

Every week, in the Spanish language community papers, advice is printed about how to find work and increase your income.  There are some good ideas and suggestions here!  Unfortunately, the American community papers don’t give Americans this kind of valuable advice.  Instead, American papers tell you which movies to watch, which books to read, and where to go eating/drinking/shopping.

Yours truly, has had this project on the back burner for quite some time!



About 240 years and numerous industrial revolutions from the first, America could be on the verge of a new age of automation, one controlled by Silicon Valley robots and artificial intelligence. In fact, automation could destroy as many as 73 million U.S. low skilled, low wage laborers by 2030, a recent report by McKinsey Global Institute stated. […]

via America Is Unprepared For The Coming Jobs Apocalypse — peoples trust toronto

America Is Unprepared For The Coming Jobs Apocalypse — peoples trust toronto

America, economy