Count on Zionist Briebart News to feature this blasphemous article, about Jesus Christ, just in time for Easter.

Breitbart, Catholic, Easter, Jesus, Jewish tyranny, Jewry, special interest, U.S, Uncategorized, War on Christianity, Zionism

It never fails, just before a major Catholic holiday, I find Jesus ridicule in the news and Jewish movies galore on TV, so as to completely eclipse holy Catholic holidays, on purpose.  For example, TCM, a classic movie channel with Jewish presenter Ben Mankiewicz, as its main star and host, will be featuring a series of Mel Brooks films about Jesus and Moses for the occasion of Easter.

Yesterday, Zionist Breitbart News published this article with a large techni-color image of a transvestite Jesus, clad with make up, fake lashes, and all, on its Facebook page bright and early at 6:35am in the morning making it the first news of the day.  It’s about the new tone the theology program at the Jesuit-run College of the Holy Cross has taken on since a gender-obsessed Chair of New Testament Studies who claims Jesus was a “drag king,” has been appointed.  Clearly, this is a Progressive move to infiltrate and corrupt the Catholic Catechism.  Many reader comments condemned the development as a blasphemous attempt to brainwash would-be Christians.  I also condemn this development at Holy Cross and the way in which Breitbart exploited it for maximum reader shock.  They wouldn’t feature a story about Israeli crimes against Palestinians in techni-color, front and center, on their Facebook page at 6:35am, would they?  No, they wouldn’t.

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