Why Americans have every right to demand free Spanish language education

America, ESL, Jewry, Spanish, Uncategorized

Because dozens of millions of illegal immigrants have accessed tax-payer-funded and volunteer-operated “free” ESL education, for decades, that’s why.  Where are the Spanish language teachers that will teach Americans Spanish for free?  That’s right: nowhere.  Now, special interest sees an opening to make a buck charging Americans a fee to learn Spanish- when they should be the first to organize FREE nation-wide Spanish language training for all Americans.  This is discrimination against sovereign American people who always end up having to pay for the elite’s corruption, one way or another.

April27-18 824

One thought on “Why Americans have every right to demand free Spanish language education

  1. That is a very nice perspective to look at the issue. Taking into account that Spanish language (specially in America) is not longer a privilege for those who can have access to it, but and obligation from government to provide and spread bilingualism among citizens, who (in great amount) como or have hispanic roots. Acknowledging the importance of Spanish and its culture, will not only help people in general to gain knowledge with this language, but also will provide opportunity to those who want to educate, teach and share the Spanish language with the committment and professionalism that it deserves.



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