Coming soon: Inside the Sanctuary City papers.

America, anchor babies, capitalism, crimes against humanity, Dominicans, economy, education, El Especialito, employment, ESL, Establishment, ethnic, globalization, illegals steal jobs, international, Israeli racism, Jewish question, Jewry, Jews own media, localization, New York City, refugees, sovereignty, special interest, Trump, U.S, Uncategorized, War on sovereignty

Yours truly has translated excerpts of some French and Spanish articles for you thus far, but coming soon, I will be providing more in-depth coverage of the sanctuary city papers in New York City.  These papers are usually free and they are written predominantly in Spanish.   The amount of progressive propaganda in them is astounding.  While Americans elected Trump to clean up the country, these special interest papers are the last redoubt of the illegal immigrant community (along with networks like Univision and Telemundo) in American sanctuary cities.