The establishment loves to use the Pope as a useful idiot when it is convenient for them to do so

America, Catholic, Central America, illegal immigrants, illiteracy, Jewish Establishment, Jews, low-skill, Mexico, Progressives, Uncategorized, useful idiot

My comment:

The Pope is being used by the Establishment. They condemn the church with child abuse scandals, when its convenient, but they go straight to the Pope to get his Catholic statement on refugees and impoverished immigrants to further their agenda. His views don’t count in this matter. He should be doing his job discouraging children out of wedlock and promoting abstinence so that these people stop making their situations worse by having children they cannot keep safe or provide for.

Gronda Morin

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TV news hosts are stating that the republican President Donald Trump plans a 2:00 pm eastern time zone announcement where he plans to sign a new executive order ending the separation of families at the SW US border, as parents seek asylum. He says he is making this new policy as the US congress representatives work on a legislative measures.

The president stepped out of a conference with US congressional republican members to confirm his intent to sign off on this new executive order. His fellow republicans also took time to present their point of view as to the range of immigration problems and to praise and provide cover for the president’s reversal regarding the separation of families.

Image result for photos of president talking with congressional republicans

The world wide outrage against the republican President Donald Trump’s April 6, 2018 new immigration policy as referenced in the Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ memo of ordering the prosecution of all parents…

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The connection between U.S. marketing communications and intellectual/economic oppression

America, anchor babies, Dominicans, illegal immigrants, Jewish tyranny, Jewry, Jews own media, multi-cultural, Plunder sector, Private Sector, production, Spanish, Uncategorized, useful idiot, welfare, Zionism

Behold the newspaper kiosk in front of the Diamond Center (which, by the way, is quite Jewish) in midtown Manhattan.

China Daily USA is a Chinese newspaper, printed in English, about the U.S.- China business and trade relationship.

Now let’s look at the newspaper El Especialito in kiosks all over Washington Heights/Upper Manhattan (neighborhoods represented by a strong Dominican population, both legal and illegal).

What does this tell you?  That while the elite Jewish community (selling Diamonds) in NYC (a city run by Jews) is interested in international commerce and trade, Americans living in immigrant ghettos have to contend with local papers, written in Spanish, that heavily advertise a*s-augmentation, bigger breasts, and smaller waists (among other targeted propaganda).  This plastic surgery ad is virtually obscene.  Judging by the full-page size of the ad (which costs additional money to reserve) this is where the big business is for those preying off of the vanity of Afro-Carribean Latinos and the insecurities of American women.

So, while Jews use money to invest and trade, internationally, Americans must contend with immigrant newspapers, they can’t even read, telling the local community where to place their money:  in the hands of doctors that can re-sculpt their body.  If you want to buy the New York Times to read news in English, well, the New York Times is a very Jewish paper and it costs about four dollars. This is how the global elite dumb-down the population so that they are the ones in charge of big business (both at home and abroad) while Americans are the ones reading what is offered to them to find out which movie to see, which bar to drink at, which book to buy, which club to purchase a membership to, and where to go to get an as*-lift- in short:  where to spend their hard earned money.

This is intellectual oppression that favors the global elite.  Their aim is to dumb down the public and fuel a lifestyle of consumerism– because the house always wins, both at home and abroad.

New Yorker Magazine underestimates and offends American public

Jewish tyranny, Uncategorized, useful idiot, Zionism

The New Yorker Magazine has a history of using the term “useful idiot” to label anyone who dissents from their bias local and worldview.

Just search for “Useful Idiot” and “New Yorker Magazine” and numerous articles come up, including one that used the term in connection to then presidential candidate Donald Trump.  Donald Trump is now President, and the not-so-useful-idiots have proven to be The Establishment and their propaganda writers.   They are such sore losers that they have waged war on citizens and war on a nuclear foreign government, because they simply cannot ever lose, much less gracefully.  Jewish politicians and think-tanks feature very prominently in American politics since World War 2.  It is this same “establishment” that still has a personal bone to pick with Russia for not having allowed unleashed Jewry to take place there. They also have a ‘personal thing’ going on against Christianity.  Their arguments are as outdated as rotten milk.

The latest “idiot” (to use their sophisticated  journalistic language), at New Yorker Magazine, has insinuated that there is some sort of Christian conspiracy unfolding in New York City because a Christian-run business that sells chicken sandwiches is actually experiencing success in bagel town (Jewish bagels, Jewish New York City).

Is everyone who questions the Jewish political establishment in America a “useful idiot”, New Yorker Magazine?  That aligns pretty well with disgraced grand-political-failure Hillary Clinton who referred to Americans that didn’t like her or what she was spewing out as a “basket of deplorables.”  See how far that got her, New Yorker Magazine?  So, pray tell how it is that your publisher and writers think they have a winning strategy going on.

To read more about the term “useful idiot”, click here: