What’s happening on the American Southern border is like a really bad break-up.

America, illegal immigrants, illiteracy, low-skill, Mexico, Uncategorized

What’s happening at the border is like a really bad and dysfunctional break-up.  Illegals have lost ALL RESPECT for LAW.  They’ve taken advantage of us for so long- that now they’re going into psychopath mode and forcing themselves on our border with a furious vengeance. Like an ex smashing up your car, flattening your tires, and breaking your windows with rocks.  Personally, if I was President, I would go on television and say, I’m calling Pena-Nieto to handle this humanitarian crisis on the Mexican SIDE of the border!

We don’t want these people any more.

America, illegal immigrants, illiteracy, Jewish Establishment, Jewish tyranny, Jews, low-skill, Mexico, Progressives, Uncategorized

So these are the angry SCUM that Americans want more of in the U.S.?

I think not.

Believe me, those of you who don’t speak Spanish don’t know how badly these people talk about Americans and probably just hate them because they are so jealous, for so many reasons.

The establishment loves to use the Pope as a useful idiot when it is convenient for them to do so

America, Catholic, Central America, illegal immigrants, illiteracy, Jewish Establishment, Jews, low-skill, Mexico, Progressives, Uncategorized, useful idiot

My comment:

The Pope is being used by the Establishment. They condemn the church with child abuse scandals, when its convenient, but they go straight to the Pope to get his Catholic statement on refugees and impoverished immigrants to further their agenda. His views don’t count in this matter. He should be doing his job discouraging children out of wedlock and promoting abstinence so that these people stop making their situations worse by having children they cannot keep safe or provide for.

Gronda Morin

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TV news hosts are stating that the republican President Donald Trump plans a 2:00 pm eastern time zone announcement where he plans to sign a new executive order ending the separation of families at the SW US border, as parents seek asylum. He says he is making this new policy as the US congress representatives work on a legislative measures.

The president stepped out of a conference with US congressional republican members to confirm his intent to sign off on this new executive order. His fellow republicans also took time to present their point of view as to the range of immigration problems and to praise and provide cover for the president’s reversal regarding the separation of families.

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The world wide outrage against the republican President Donald Trump’s April 6, 2018 new immigration policy as referenced in the Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ memo of ordering the prosecution of all parents…

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