Truth too hard for a pro-illegal to handle

anchor babies, Central America, ESL, illegal immigrants, Mexico, Social Security, Trump, Uncategorized

This pro-illegal wrote “Trump terrorism” in the title of her article (

I wrote:

That’s not terrorism. Illegals have no business crossing the border to begin with and they have no right to be propped up by American tax payers. Moreover, they need to stop having so many children and making their problems, the problems of other people.

She wrote:

Under international law all human beings have the right to seek asylum in another country. The folks currently seeking asylum in the United States are fleeing life-threatening violence. They would not cost US taxpayers anything if they were given temporary work permits and released pending the legal outcome of their asylum claim. Your comment indicates that you are not aware of the law or the facts. As a mother, I would definitely consider a government agent taking my children away because I sought safety for myself and my child as terrorism.

I replied to her comment- but it struck a nerve and she deleted it.

So I will reiterate to you what I wrote.

Basically, I told her that:

It appears that you are the one who is unaware of the facts.  You failed to include that the first thing illegals demand is Social Security asylum benefits, food stamps, free education programs catered to their needs, job training, millions in FREE ESL, special housing arrangements, and free medical care.   The U.S.A cannot take in all of Central America.  These parents are putting their children in the middle of an illegal situation because it is more important for them to try their luck at the border than to keep their children safe, away from foreign police.  Moreover, these illegals need family planning, urgently.  If they cannot provide for themselves, why are they having children at all and expecting Americans to take care of the family?!  They have been using children to push through borders and carry out illegal activity, in America, for a long time.  These people need to take their problems to their president and/or move to a safer region in their own country.  They can fill out an application, at the border, and ALL return from where they came from, as a family.  Moreover, the fact that the American people elected Trump for president is ample message to illegals that they are not wanted in our country.  What part of that don’t they understand?  It’s over.