The Plan for Private Sector cities within Honduras

Central America, Jewish Capitalism, Jewish corruption, Jewish Establishment, Jewish landlords, Jewish tyranny, Jews, Plunder sector, Private Sector, Uncategorized

We know the private sector is run by Jews.  It is no wonder that special interest Jews have made sure that Honduras cannot rise up on its own so they can create an economic investment system that will ultimately destroy what’s left of the nation’s sovereignty.

BBC documentary:

But forcing BBC to support Israel IS biased!

Israel, Israeli racism, Palestine, Uncategorized

An apparent full-time BBC “watcher” (so-to-speak) scrutinizes the network’s every move in order to uncover “anti-Israel” bias, or rather the network’s independent approach to covering developments in the Middle East.  This blogger would, frankly, prefer the BBC to be pro-Israel in its reporting, but if they do that they would still be presenting “biased” news.  I know, crazy right?  This is Israeli-style obsession.

I clicked on the BBC news link from yesterday; the article does not include the anti-Israel cartoon in question.  Apparently, a picture of Abbas walking around inside a hospital, in a silk robe, is “anti-Israel”.  Amazing or rather crazy.

Mind you, I am not an Abbas supporter because of his lack of leadership.  You cannot be president and stand by and watch as your people protest to their death by the Israeli border day after day.   Abbas is a joke; he has blood on his hands too in my view and he should step down so his people can benefit from better leadership.

The BBC reports that the PA president was photographed reading a newspaper – but not what was in it.

via BBC website recycles article, ignores anti-Israel image — BBC Watch

BBC Watch blog is a perfect example of Jewish paranoia

BBC Watch, Israel, Israeli terrorism, Jewish censorship, Jewish corruption, Jewish paranoia, Jewish tyranny, Uncategorized, Zionism

BBC Watch is a WordPress blog that scrutinizes every detail of BBC News to uncover any perceived instance in which an alternative news narrative (to that of Israel) is offered to the public.

It also takes people into the mind of Jewish wars on nations that exercise their right to be independent from Jewish approved news and political policy- the very reason Jews feel threatened by them and therefore “watch them” for (paranoid) signs…

Visit their blog and you will read what I mean.  It’s obsessive, war mongering, fear mongering, paranoid, hypocritical (as always…), and messed up, quite frankly.  Don’t Jews own enough media as it is?!  If they don’t control everything, then they set out to do so.  Don’t they know by now that this is the reason they are hated?  Their way is to destroy anything that is not them or that is not doing “right” by them.

What about all the LIES Israel conjures up in order to manipulate the public into supporting their terrorist state?  Jews would do better to “WATCH” their VERY OWN LIES and Misinformation to the entire world.