We don’t want these people any more.

America, illegal immigrants, illiteracy, Jewish Establishment, Jewish tyranny, Jews, low-skill, Mexico, Progressives, Uncategorized

So these are the angry SCUM that Americans want more of in the U.S.?

I think not.

Believe me, those of you who don’t speak Spanish don’t know how badly these people talk about Americans and probably just hate them because they are so jealous, for so many reasons.


America, economy, Plunder sector, special interest, Uncategorized

CAFTA-DR is the poisonous free trade agreement (I have blogged about before) which has played a starring role in the illegal arrival of millions of Central Americans and Dominicans into the U.S.A.  Though it is mostly too late to do anything about their illegal migration into America, we should revoke this free trade deal immediately, for whatever it is worth.

Who cashes in on this free trade deal?

  • Landlords
  • Doctors
  • Lawyers
  • Car sales industry
  • Insurance companies
  • Special interest non-profits
  • Tax accountants
  • Business owners getting cheap “skilled labor” in Spanish
  • Companies that sell products and services.
  • Cable companies
  • Publishers

The global elite and politicians were especially evil to conceal the major repercussions this special interest free trade deal would have on everyday Americans.  They have been passing off American discontent as “racism” when they know it’s really all about commerce and Profit.  They must be held accountable for this.


Portraying the good, bad, and ugly for the 15-year-old Dominican Republic-Central American Free Trade Agreement

via DR-CAFTA and Mr. Hyde — DR-CAFTA 101

Incompetence among immigrant workers exacerbates life for sovereign people

America, illegal immigrants, Uncategorized
  • A Dominican bank teller missed my fifty dollar bill.  I had to ask for her to recount her register.  After she did, she admitted her mistake.  A fifty dollar mistake.
  • A Dominican bank employee was unaware of the type of accounts that her bank offers.  I was the one telling her because I had gone to the bank’s website before I entered the bank.  Pretty bad.
  • Dominican/Central American super was doing maintenance work on the apartment upstairs: they busted a hole clean through the ceiling in my bathroom from all the unrequired sledge-hammering in whatever they were doing.
  • Dominican/Central American super meant to fix the door to the apartment building lobby- instead, he broke it; the door is still broken over a month later, with no signs of being properly repaired.  Cheap and Incompetent.
  • A luxury building on the East Side hired Mexican immigrants to do work on the building’s roof.  The immigrants ended up cracking the ceiling of a tenant that owned his own penthouse.  What’s more, the building’s board didn’t want to pay to fix the damage the immigrants had caused to his unit.
  • This and soo much more….

Feel free to share your own experience with illegal immigrant incompetence.


The US’ Anti-Nicaragua Sanctions are Supposed to Spark a Hybrid War Against China — Astute News


While it may not initially look like it, the US’ proposed anti-Nicaraguan sanctions are aimed against China and intended to create disadvantageous macroeconomic conditions which ultimately lead to the collapse of the Ortega government and the resultant abandonment of China’s ambitious canal project through the country. Multipolar media outlet Telesur reported earlier this week that […]

via The US’ Anti-Nicaragua Sanctions are Supposed to Spark a Hybrid War Against China — Astute News

Oh no, more malevolent U.S. intervention in Central America

America, Establishment, Jewry, Private Sector, special interest, Uncategorized

It was only a matter of time before the US government and its compliant media would once again put Nicaragua in their sights. And, that time has indeed come. Last year, the US House of Representatives voted unanimously in favor of the Nicaraguan Investment Conditionality Act of 2017 (NICA Act) which would cut that already-poor country off […]

via The Empire Turns Its Sights on Nicaragua – Again! — Astute News

Coming soon: Inside the Sanctuary City papers.

America, anchor babies, capitalism, crimes against humanity, Dominicans, economy, education, El Especialito, employment, ESL, Establishment, ethnic, globalization, illegals steal jobs, international, Israeli racism, Jewish question, Jewry, Jews own media, localization, New York City, refugees, sovereignty, special interest, Trump, U.S, Uncategorized, War on sovereignty

Yours truly has translated excerpts of some French and Spanish articles for you thus far, but coming soon, I will be providing more in-depth coverage of the sanctuary city papers in New York City.  These papers are usually free and they are written predominantly in Spanish.   The amount of progressive propaganda in them is astounding.  While Americans elected Trump to clean up the country, these special interest papers are the last redoubt of the illegal immigrant community (along with networks like Univision and Telemundo) in American sanctuary cities.

NYC= Immigrant Wasteland (mostly Central American and Caribbean Latinos) : Free ESL classes, condoms on the street. July 30, 2015.

America, anchor babies, education, ESL, illegal immigrants, illiteracy, Jewry, low-skill, Mexico, money laundering, over-population, Plunder sector, Private Sector, sovereignty, Spanish, special interest, U.S, Uncategorized

Illegal immigrant wastelands throughout the U.S.

Real NYC

This is special treatment for illegals; free English language classes & at the public library, no less.

If the NYPL offers free English language classes to illegals, maybe they should add free Spanish language classes for American New Yorkers that financially support the library, no?  It’s just my thought.



Illegals: Are you getting all of your benefits today?

Can you believe the e-mail address of this program?  It’s: “benefits@liveon-ny.org”

Hmm, live on benefits in NYC?  That sounds easy and inviting.


Condoms, as you can see here laying in the street, probably included with ‘Benefits’ !


This is the harsh reality of illegal immigration.

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