Size matters in geopolitics, so the West is excited China’s population growth is ending. But here’s how Beijing will solve it- RT op-ed

America, China, over-population

This is an interesting article, but it failed to observe a subtle shift that is growing in trend: Americans are switching from consumer to production economy. More Americans want to make things because there is a shortage of supply due to the trade war with China. Also, more Americans are considering working abroad or renouncing their citizenship because they don’t like the jobs in the job market and because they don’t feel safe with all the crime and because they want more bang for their income.

Floods of unproductive illegals that can barely read, write, or speak acceptably, will not solve the problem since selling goods like tamales, beef patties, and flowers (and wiring that income to their home country) will certainly not be enough to make America a powerful economy. Quality will be more important than quantity as we move forward in a more competitive globalized world.

Population may matter but America’s long-term economic growth is anything but secure.


A robust recycling industry could be a great boom for jobs, but it would go counter to the American Establishment’s love of a Use and Discard consumption- based economy.

America, China, economy, Jewish Establishment, Jews and Capitalism, plastic, Recycle, Uncategorized

China stopped importing America’s garbage and now garbage is piling up all over America.

Recycling initiatives could give birth to new entrepeneurs, new industry, and new jobs in America, but nothing gets done [in America] until the Establishment decides what to do and when and how to do it.

The Establishment is used to a consumptionbased economy that uses and discards materials and resources at an accelerated rate.  It does not promote responsible consumerism because the more responsible people become, the more it would harm their business model (instant gratification) and bottom-line ($$$).

Woody Harrelson’s Ethos: Time to Unslave Humanity (documentary)

America, Establishment, Jewish corruption, Jewish tyranny, Jewry, Jews own media, Uncategorized

We don’t have a democratic society. The U.S. is a polyarchy and always has been. Nobody in power wants democracy because it challenges their power structures.” – Noam Chomsky


Stepping off the consumer hamster wheel hits the globalists where it hurts

economy, globalization, Uncategorized May 17, 2018 GENEVA (Reuters) – Trade tensions may be starting to hold back global merchandise trade, the World Trade Organization said on Friday, as it published an outlook indicator showing growth was above trend this quarter but slowing down. The World Trade Outlook Indicator (WTOI), a composite published since the third quarter of […]

via WTO detects signs of tensions sapping global trade growth — peoples trust toronto

RT en espagnol: Conversando con Correa, Jose Mujica. Combat economic inequality with global citizens- not global consumers.

economy, globalization, Uncategorized

I was very excited to hear the former president of Ecuador, an economist, pinpoint the concept of my very own think-tank, Lamp Bulb, on his most recent show: nations need global citizens, not global consumers, to combat rampant economic disparity due to progressive globalization.

To read about the episode, in English, click here:

To watch the episode, click here: