Western foreign languages are no longer in demand as Jewish corruption has ruined the West

America, China, Jewish Capitalism, Jewish corruption, Jewish Establishment, Jews, Uncategorized

Growing up, I learned to speak Spanish and French (and even some Italian) as these were viewed as languages of the future, back then.  Generations ago, Americans retired in France.  French was considered the language of diplomacy.  The Spanish language market was expected to emerge and it did- but it only benefited the clever one percent and their illegal immigrant protegees: not everyday Americans.

Due to massive Jewish political corruption in Western Europe AND Latin America (the same kind that is bringing the U.S. down) Western foreign languages are not necessary to learn at this point.  There is no brave new world to be created where Jewish corruption is deeply entrenched.

The future is Asia and the foreign language to learn now is Chinese.

Former French presidential hopeful, Manuel Valls, trys to add reason to what is inappropriate on Twitter

Catholic, France, Jewish tyranny, Uncategorized

Le judaïsme si profondément ancré dans les valeurs universelles de la France, le combat pour les droits des femmes et l’égalité, la construction européenne aujourd’hui menacée, le courage et la hauteur de vue..voilà ce que Simone Veil incarnait et incarne plus que jamais. – Manuel Valls

My own translation from French:

Judaism is so profoundly anchored in the universal values of France, the fight for women’s rights, and the formation of today’s Europe, which is now under threat.  Courage and supreme view- that is what Simone Veil incarnates more than ever.

Simone Veil, the late: pro-abortion, progressive, borderless-Europe, Jewish politician, will be entombed at the Pantheon along with National greats like Victor Hugo and Voltaire.  This is just Jewish Propaganda.  France has a rich Catholic history that is dying under concentrated Jewish rule and many French people have been brutally killed by foreign refugees.