Article and photos from Income inequality is on the rise: nationwide, the average difference between the top 1 percent of earners and everyone else is $1,047,435 – a factor of 21.4 times, according to a new report. Connecticut has the biggest wage gap in the U.S., with the typical worker making an average of $67,700 a year compared to $2.5 million at the top, according to the Economic Policy Institute. Overall, 22 states are home to 1 percenters who make $1 million or more per year on average. Not a single state has an average earnings of $100,000 for the other 99 percent.

via News Pictures – Income inequality in America varies dramatically by state — News Exc Celebrity

News Pictures – Income inequality in America varies dramatically by state — News Exc Celebrity

America, Jewish Capitalism, Jewish corruption, Jewish Establishment, Jewish greed

Millennials in New York are known for living in a state of perpetual brokeness – between student loans, $20 nightclub drinks and $15 avocado toast, it’s easy to understand why 70% of millennials have less than $1,000 in savings. Now we can add expensive, glorified closets to the mix, as the Wall Street Journal reports. 30-year-old marketing manager Scott […]

via New York Millennials Paying $1800 Per Month To Cram Into 98-Square-Foot Rooms — Easy Money

New York Millennials Paying $1800 Per Month To Cram Into 98-Square-Foot Rooms — Easy Money

America, New York City

The American government takes advantage of its people.

America, anchor babies, capitalism, Establishment, illegal immigrants, illegals steal jobs, jobs, special interest, Uncategorized

Our government takes ADVANTAGE of the different standards of living among people in America.

While they give illegals (and their children) a VIP pass in American society to fuel their special interest trade deals and promote a capitalist culture of consumption, they bombard young Americans with advertisements that tell them to drink alcohol, travel on fun vacations, & borrow a hundred thousand dollars for an education that will “prepare them” FOR A JOB THAT DOES NOT EVEN EXIST!

This, is truly disgusting!

“Colleges Are Preparing Kids For An Economy That No Longer Exists” As They Continue To Scam Parents And Students!

America, Plunder sector, Private Sector, Uncategorized

As I sat down to enjoy some smoked salmon at a recent BBQ I attended, I ended up at a table with two recent high school graduates. To my disappointment, when I asked them what their plans were for the summer and beyond, both said they were heading to college. With student loans and a […]

via “Colleges Are Preparing Kids For An Economy That No Longer Exists” As They Continue To Scam Parents And Students — ― ஜ ۩ Whiskey Tango Texas ۩ ஜ ―

Fed Study Asks “Are Millennials The Lost Generation?” — peoples trust toronto

America, illegal immigrants, Uncategorized

I say to American millenials, “Do as all the illegals have done: have your children; get your government sponsored vocational training; government sponsored foreign language education; food stamps; work without declaring your income; sell on the street; get housing assistance; and save your money for a house in a country where you want to build your home.

The corrupt establishment wants to see you “die out” (so-to-speak) living in your parents basement (or on their couch) so they can replace real Americans with illegal immigrants and their children:  Don’t allow this to happen.

Wake up and take action, before it’s too late.  Live your life and hold your government accountable for providing you with the same benefits they have provided to their pet illegals.

Authored by Mike Shedlock via MishTalk, I previously called millennials the “screwed” generation. A more polite Fed study uses the term “lost generation“. A Fed study on the Demographics of Wealth explains How Education, Race, Birth Year Shaped Financial Outcomes. The study covers the long last-lasting wealth impacts of the Great Recession on young families. The article’s […]

via Fed Study Asks “Are Millennials The Lost Generation?” — peoples trust toronto