This is what happens when your own country becomes Anti-Citizen

America, America synonymous with Israel, Anti-American, CAFTA-DR, Dominicans, illegal immigrants, Jewish liberalism, Jews and tax payer money, money laundering, New York City, Progressives, public housing, Uncategorized

IMG_20190424_145809Earlier this afternoon, I received a news tip about graffiti that likely went up in the last 24 hours.  This is a sign outside of an affordable housing complex that is under construction, in what is largely a Dominican ghetto, in Upper Manhattan.  It has been vandalized with graffiti reading:  “For Spanish demons only”

In my view, this is what happens when the corrupt Global Elite American Political Establishment caters to illegal immigrants instead of Americans.  This is also the result of special interest trade deals like CAFTA-DR and NAFTA (Mexico) which depends heavily on having a great number of immigrants from CAFTA-DR countries (including Mexico), in America, in order to succeed.

The Special Interest Liberal Progressive American Political Establishment has failed to have an educated and honest discourse with Americans about WHY it caters to illegal immigrants and why it supports open borders at tax payers’ expense.  Anti-immigrant sentiment is not simply a result of “racism” and “hatred” but about dodging an honest disclosure of  HOW OUR GOVERNMENT IS USING CITIZEN TAX MONEY.

Ignoring the needs of citizens does not help illegal immigrants.  Instead, it creates animosity and resentment towards the global elite and their protege (illegal immigrants) which isn’t good for anyone.

In addition, on the street earlier today, just before I received this tip, I came across an American man taunting a Dominican with, “Has your visa expired?” followed by “Go back to DR.”  The Dominican man responded, in an accent, “I am a citizen.”  I overheard this back-and-fourth as I walked down the street.

While I denounce this kind of behavior, this is all an example of the real tension that is happening in America between citizens and illegal immigrants (many of which have been granted automatic citizenship just by being born here, hence they are “citizens”).   The American Global Elite Political Establishment has much explaining to do, painting important matters in black and white will no longer do, nor is it even safe.




Dumber and dumber: First ZTE, now BMW

Trump, Uncategorized

Trump has an easy vision of luxury American cars and American made cell phones, flooding the domestic and international market.  He envisions the rise of an RCA-like/General Motors era where America is on top in the world of high end products.

  1. His dumb idea will only fuel elite business in America- which already needs to be “democratized” if you will.  Elite manufacturers make cars and communication devices- not private citizens.  This won’t help with wealth distribution.
  2. We need to get everyday Americans to create and produce their own products for export. May 31, 2018 BERLIN (Reuters) – German magazine Wirtschaftswoche reported on Thursday that U.S. President Trump told French President Emmanuel Macron last month he would block German luxury carmakers from the U.S. market. Citing several unnamed European and U.S. diplomats, the magazine reported that Trump told Macron in April he would stick to his […]

via Trump wants to bar German luxury cars in U.S.: German magazine — peoples trust toronto

The United States of America Is More Like “United Countries American Elite Are Interested In”

America, Israel, Jewish corruption, Jewish tyranny, Jewry, money laundering, Uncategorized, Zionism

It’s no wonder that we keep hearing “borderless world” propaganda.  It’s because the U.S.A has become a global elite trade and commerce empire; it is no longer the United States of America with American citizens in it to dutifully look after.  That’s pretty much over.

It goes to say that living in a smaller more autonomous country, abroad, would, perhaps, be best for Americans sick of watching their tax payer money go to foreigners.  Say for example, Chile, in South America, or Austria, Hungary, or Poland in Europe.

If you put together America’s trade deals, foreign aid, and leniency towards illegal immigrants you can directly see which “strong international relationships” the U.S is interested in building.

Strong relationships with Central America, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Columbia, Panama, and Haiti (near home) and very strong relationships (abroad) with Israel, Iraq, Egypt, Afghanistan, and other countries in the Middle East and in Africa.  See this list copied from

Top ten countries receiving aid from America:

  1. Iraq – $347.9 millionOne of the most notable recipients of U.S. foreign aid is Iraq. The conflict in Iraq has remained a major contributor to global instability for 15 years now, claiming the lives of thousands of American soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. Thus, the United States plans to spend $347,860,000 in 2018 to help stabilize the region. Current plans involve economic assistance following the collapse of world oil prices (a major contributor to Iraq’s economy), the stabilization of territories recovered from the Islamic State, and support for a humanitarian response to the needs of displaced citizens. Foreign aid to Iraq is key to the United States’ success, as it strengthens national security and helps diminish the threat of terrorist organizations such as ISIL that thrive in unstable regions.

  2. Nigeria – $419.1 millionThe primary goal of the United States’ foreign assistance in Nigeria is the reduction of extreme poverty in the region. Aid in Nigeria also seeks to support the creation of a stable democratic system that engages citizen input and is less vulnerable to attacks by radical terrorist groups such as Boko Haram, which has devastated the northern region of the country through bombings and assassinations over the past several years. Better aid in Nigeria would promote a higher quality of life for local citizens, economically benefit the United States and stop the spread of radical terrorism.

  3. Zambia – $428.9 millionIn Zambia, the United States has pledged funding in order to lower extremely high rural poverty rates in the county, as well as create a mineral economy that offers more prosperity for its citizens. Aid will also go towards establishing sustainable agriculture and combating the spread of deadly diseases such as HIV, malaria and tuberculosis. Investing in Zambia is both humanitarian and helps develop new foreign markets for United States goods in the future.

  4. Uganda – $436.4 millionHelping the government of Uganda establish sustainable economic development in its communities is key to the stabilization of East Africa as a whole. Uganda has been an ally of the United States, helping with regional threats to national security, and further aid benefits both countries immensely. Aid planned for 2018 will also support the ideals of a multi-party democratic system and will help fight the spread of deadly diseases that threaten to devastate local communities.

  5. Tanzania – $535.3 millionDespite an increasingly flawed, but stable, multiparty governmental system, and a strong and growing economy, over a quarter of Tanzanians live below the poverty line. As one of the top recipients of U.S. foreign aid, Tanzania aims to address issues of poverty among the populace, and at the same time advance American interests by creating a strong economic ally in the region.

  6. Kenya – $639.4 millionDespite a series of democratic reforms that have taken place throughout the past decade, Kenya’s political system still suffers from pervasive government corruption and ethnic feuds. Many farmers and citizens live in drought-prone areas, which could spell disaster for some communities in future years and worsen tensions in the country. Planned aid to Kenya this year will increase the ability of the public to hold officials accountable and foster development of drought-prone areas in order to protect people from climate disasters in the future.

  7. Afghanistan – $782.8 millionLike Iraq, Afghanistan has been one of the least stable countries in the Middle East in the past decade. The presence of the Taliban and subsequent military invasion by the United States caused immense instability in the struggling country. Planned aid in 2018 aims to cement democratic conditions in the fragile new Afghani government and embolden security forces to fight Taliban insurgencies and the expansion of the Islamic State, while also creating self-reliant communities that are less susceptible to occupation and exploitation. Aid to Afghanistan is key to establishing a more stable Middle East and stopping the dangerous spread of radical terrorism.

  8. Jordan – $1 billionDue to its location next to war-torn Syria, Jordan is at the center of the current refugee humanitarian crisis, which makes strengthening economic development in the country essential. As one of the top recipients of U.S. foreign aid, Jordan is receiving help to cope with the massive influx of Syrian refugees fleeing the devastating Syrian civil war, as well as increase democratic accountability and gender equality within the Jordanian government.

  9. Egypt – $1.39 billionIn providing aid to Egypt, one of the top recipients of U.S. foreign aid, the United States intends to improve food security and good governance in the country, while also strengthening its ability to fight extremist terrorism that threatens the country. Aid will also help to continue the healthy economic relationship between Egypt and the United States. Though most aid is dedicated to security and economic development, around $30 million is intended to promote health and education among Egyptian citizens.

  10. Israel – $3.1 billionAs one of the only functioning democracies in the Middle East, the United States has long supported Israel’s development efforts. The clear majority of Israeli foreign aid goes towards the development of defense programs against regional threats that jeopardize both American and Israeli interests. The United States also hopes to open a pathway of diplomatic negotiations with Palestinians to develop a peaceful resolution to regional conflicts.

These examples demonstrate the varied uses of U.S. foreign aid, and the different methods in which it is used to benefit the country. Whether invested in unstable states to boost global economic development and prevent terrorism, used to promote humanitarianism and improve the global view of the United States, or delegated to defense programs and assistance that increase U.S. soft power and influence, foreign aid has been used to benefit United States interests throughout the globe. This shows that foreign aid is not just an altruistic option, but one beneficial to the U.S. and its citizens.

– Shane Summers

Forget the mumbo jumbo about “development” and “humanitarian aid”.  We know that many of these countries, like Haiti, for example, have remained extremely impoverished despite receiving millions in handouts.  This goes to show you that something very fishy is going on.  I don’t see these people getting computers, sewing machines, schools, books, teachers, housing, and trade deals.  But look at what Shane Summers wrote at the end, “This shows that foreign aid is not just an altruistic option, but one beneficial to the U.S. and its citizens.”  Oh really?  Pray tell, how so, Shane?  These countries are perpetually poor and Americans don’t benefit from billions in handouts to other countries.  So, “the U.S” in this article must be referring to the 1% I take it?  That does make sense.

The American government thinks that as long as they feed citizens news about porn stars and imaginary Russiagate that no one’s mind will really start to ponder the bigger questions at hand, but this is precisely why you do have to question more and figure out a way to make the most of your talents and your money, because the Global Elite Establishment, inside our government, is certainly not spending these bilions of dollars on making life better for Americans.  All you have to do is look at the list of foreign aid payouts to be sure of that.