SAD: U.S. Jewish interest playing out in Latin America

America, BDS, capitalism, Drudge report, gentrification, globalization, illegal immigrants, Israel, Israeli racism, Jewish tyranny, Jewry, Jews own media, Moses, Plunder sector, Private Sector, South America, special interest, Trump, U.S, Uncategorized, War on Christianity, War on sovereignty, World chaos, Zionism

“I think the Monroe Doctrine is as relevant today as it was the day it was written (two centuries ago)”. Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State, Feb. 2, 3027-March 31, 2018. Introduction President Trump cancelled his attendance at the Summit of the Americas meeting of all the 35 presidents of the region designed to debate and […]

via Latin America in the Time of Trump — Astute News

Aggressive gentrification is pushing out small privately owned business in NYC.

America, capitalism, gentrification, landlords, New York City, special interest, Uncategorized

When I first moved to Upper Manhattan, nearly twenty years ago, X Caffe was an American sanctuary in an overwhelming immigrant ghetto.  It featured European style food, pastries, and a great cup of gourmet coffee.  In the past, it even had a lounge where you could sit and read luxury magazines about cuisine and international travel.

In recent years, with greedy landlords seizing on opportunities to collect higher rent, X Caffe had to do away with the lounge and renovate the caffe to be more of a take out and catering business.  Last Thursday, I found out that it was going to close to the public for good.   I didn’t realize just how much I would miss this place.  Now it is Monday and I miss knowing that they are there for a quiet, enjoyable, respite from stressful New York City life.  The original owner was a classy and gracious man.  He took great pride in bringing quality products to the public.  When they got a new espresso coffee, the owner generously let customers sample the flavor for free.  I will miss his personal touch, friendly smile, and genuine class.  The nearby business that will be taking over X Caffe’s customer base is Au Bon Pain- just another overpriced mainstream franchise that I don’t care much for at all.

These pictures are from last Friday; X Caffe’s last day open to the public.  Thank you, X Caffe for being there for customers that didn’t just want good food but a great experience and friendly conversation too!!  The yellow page posted to the window is the owner’s official notice to his long-time customers.  This is what small, quality, businesses are all about.