Jewish censorship just in time for Easter. Facebook just blocked another truthful comment I made about Jews.

America, BDS, Catholic, crimes against humanity, Easter, Facebook, freedom of speech, government surveillance, Israel, Jesus, Jewish censorship, Jewish tyranny, Jewry, Jews own media, special interest, Trump, U.S, Uncategorized, War on Christianity, Zionism

It is good Friday and I get to share in Jesus’ plight with his own people who had  him put to death for speaking of something different: God.  Today, Facebook removed a recent comment I wrote and blocked my ability to post for the day and warned me that my account may be further suspended if I continue to write posts that go against their ‘community standards’ or rather Jewish community standards.

It was in response to this article posted on Facebook, via Haaretz (a Jewish /Israeli news publication):

Virginia GOP remove official who said only Christians should run

Jewish leadership had this official removed, like they removed my comment, like they had Jesus removed from this world along with many of his followers, two thousand years ago.

Here is the comment I wrote:  “I’m sorry because the truth sounds so terrible, but Jews are Anti-Christ. It’s something quite serious.”

Top comments on the thread contained your typical Anti-Christian hate speech with comments such as:

  • S.S. “The republican party is a christian fundamentalist organisation.”  (My interpretation: “Christians are radicals!”)
  • N.S “Bigotry and Anti-American to boot”  (My interpretation: “Anti-Jew to boot.”)
  • B.Q. “Good riddance.”  (My interpretation: “Get and keep Christianity out!”)
  • K.M. “Good. Dumb fucking asspicker.”

The rest were obscured or removed (like mine).


  • Jesus Christ makes most Jews uncomfortable, if they don’t out-right hate him.
  • Jewish run media censors freedom of speech and truth, because the truth ends up offending them.
  • Christianity/Catholicism is based on the person who challenged their way of thinking and behaving:  Jesus.
  • Jesus was singled out to be killed by the Jewish Pharisees for challenging the status quo and for what they construed as blasphemy.
  • Demanding the death of Jesus and seeing to it that he was killed continues to reflect negatively on Jews- unless they condemn the act.
  • Christians, by default are “Anti-Semitic”  because they love “blasphemous” Jesus.
  • There is no free speech because Christian speech is censored.

I do not retract my comment nor do I apologize for it because it was not intended to slander but rather to state a grave and terrifying fact:  Jews are Anti-Jesus Christ (unless they specify otherwise).  I do not mean to call them Satan with that, just that they are literally Anti-Jesus like someone is anti-guns, for example.  Unless they specify otherwise, Jews are typically opposed to Jesus Christ, not pro-Jesus Christ.  Is this not a fact?

Sadly, a world where Jesus was outlawed, two thousand years ago, is still the world we are living in today, but Jesus Christ lives on through the scriptures, in our hearts, and through our love for his mother Holy Virgin Mary.

A recent article in Haaretz pointed out that Israel is trying to gather Jewish support from Evangelical Christians.  A prime example of this would be Christian ministries which exhalt the land of Israel and the Jewish people over anything else, in a word, “Zionism”.

See results from these two searches to see some pretty heavy stuff with regards to the Jeiwsh recruitment of Evangelical Christians for monetary and political support..


Haaretz may well have a troll named Edward Max featuring an avatar of a white blond man wearing a black suit and tie.  Edward Max has trolled me for my comments before “calling my statements vile and Anti-Semitic”.  One commenter wrote [on my thread] “Funny how the truth is Anti-Semitic.”  Then he was made fun of by Edward Max for spelling mistakes.  Then, a woman defended him pointing out that people may not know English as their first language but still have a right to express their thoughts via freedom of speech.

Well, as you can see by which comments were removed and which comments were posted to the top of this article, in Haaretz, freedom of speech against Christians is OK, just not sensitive and unfortunate facts about Jews.

Through a monopoly on technology, Jews maintain control of what is spoken, viewed, and written.  The world needs authentic (not infiltrated) Christian media and fact-speech and we need to learn the technology necessary to host it and we need authentic Christian leadership from politicians.

I was a devoted volunteer for the Trump presidential campaign, but my support for him ended when he put his staunch alliance with Zionism on display once he entered office.  He has let down the true Christian voters he preached to and depended on during the election.  For example, American voters tired of not being able to say, “Merry Christmas” (a blatant Christian/Catholic dog whistle).

America remains, if by a margin, a Christian-majority nation.  In my view, Jewish leadership has long impeded on the freedom of Christians in America and Western Europe.  It has also marginalized the religious and political views of Christians in these places.  This is why I believe the country is on the wrong track and really does need authentic Christian leadership.

Christian leadership, however, would represent a shift in Jewish American politics (status quo) and that is why it is being oppressed, censored, removed, radicalized, condemned, and outlawed by, “The Establishment.”

I wish all observing Catholics, a Good Friday with profound reflection about Jesus; the world we live in; the hope that lies ahead for humanity through our faith in Him; and the sacrifice that Jesus made for the eternal salvation of human kind.