Special Interest Jews view dissapproval of their activities as “Oppression” and “Anti-Semitism” which really means that the only way, for all of us, is the Jewish way. Period.

America, Jewish Capitalism, Jewish Establishment, Jewish hypocrisy, Jewish Identity Politics, Jewish tech, Jewish tyranny, Jews, Jews first, Uncategorized

Instead of saying that anti-Semitism is on the rise all the time, it’s time to ask the question WHY IS IT ON THE RISE?  We need public discourse to uncover and address the  reasons and the concerns of the people and find fair resolutions that will enable TRUE diversity at the Top and a healthy and Fair American middle-class (not bringing in illegals, propping them up with American money and designating them ‘America’s new middle class’, while everyday Americans rent rooms, can’t afford college, and can’t find stable and inclusive work).



Hostile U.S policy towards China is simply meant to keep them from reaching their own potential- sound familiar?

America, China, Jewish apartheid, Jewish Capitalism, Jewish Establishment, Jewish tyranny, Jews, Jews first, Uncategorized
  • China producing everything for the American global elite for pennies is OK.  China wanting to realize the potential of all of its hard work and innovation makes them evil and threatening.
  • Americans are okay as long as they work in the service industry under the thumb of the global elite.  Anti-establishment Americans wanting change, their own thing, improvement, fairness, are being “anti-Semitic Nazis”.

Stop the oppression the global elite force onto Americans and the world at large.  Down with the Establishment’s strategic apartheid.  We, the people, are Palestine, China, South America, and Africa; we deserve better than to live our lives under the American Establishment’s systematic oppression.

US urged to refrain from damaging China’s interests

The following are excerpts from this great article that was the cover story of yesterday’s issue of China Daily.


Pompeo Lies! Of course the U.S means to prevent China from realizing its: potential; hard earned growth; and independence from America’s oppressive “rules based cooperation” code for: America is the boss and it alone decides what’s ok and not ok.


China basically saying “We know America sees us as a threat to their power and influence and this is the real reason behind America’s hostility towards us.”



The connection between U.S. marketing communications and intellectual/economic oppression

America, anchor babies, Dominicans, illegal immigrants, Jewish tyranny, Jewry, Jews own media, multi-cultural, Plunder sector, Private Sector, production, Spanish, Uncategorized, useful idiot, welfare, Zionism

Behold the newspaper kiosk in front of the Diamond Center (which, by the way, is quite Jewish) in midtown Manhattan.

China Daily USA is a Chinese newspaper, printed in English, about the U.S.- China business and trade relationship.

Now let’s look at the newspaper El Especialito in kiosks all over Washington Heights/Upper Manhattan (neighborhoods represented by a strong Dominican population, both legal and illegal).

What does this tell you?  That while the elite Jewish community (selling Diamonds) in NYC (a city run by Jews) is interested in international commerce and trade, Americans living in immigrant ghettos have to contend with local papers, written in Spanish, that heavily advertise a*s-augmentation, bigger breasts, and smaller waists (among other targeted propaganda).  This plastic surgery ad is virtually obscene.  Judging by the full-page size of the ad (which costs additional money to reserve) this is where the big business is for those preying off of the vanity of Afro-Carribean Latinos and the insecurities of American women.

So, while Jews use money to invest and trade, internationally, Americans must contend with immigrant newspapers, they can’t even read, telling the local community where to place their money:  in the hands of doctors that can re-sculpt their body.  If you want to buy the New York Times to read news in English, well, the New York Times is a very Jewish paper and it costs about four dollars. This is how the global elite dumb-down the population so that they are the ones in charge of big business (both at home and abroad) while Americans are the ones reading what is offered to them to find out which movie to see, which bar to drink at, which book to buy, which club to purchase a membership to, and where to go to get an as*-lift- in short:  where to spend their hard earned money.

This is intellectual oppression that favors the global elite.  Their aim is to dumb down the public and fuel a lifestyle of consumerism– because the house always wins, both at home and abroad.