Zionist, Matt Drudge, paints Palestine as a threat to Israel

America, Drudge report, Israeli crimes against humanity, Israeli discrimination, Israeli racism, Israeli terrorism, Jewish landlords, Jewish tyranny, Matt Drudge, Uncategorized, Zionism

Headline from Drudge Report:


When, in reality, Israel has long been violating international law by closing off religious sites to Muslims in addition to stealing more disputed land and using brutal violence against Palestinians; not to mention waging terrorist attacks on its geographical neighbors such as Lebanon, Syria, and Iran.


Jordan, meanwhile, protested to Israel over the closure of the site and said it constitutes a “flagrant violation of the historical and legal status quo and Israel’s obligation under the international law and humanitarian law.”


SAD: U.S. Jewish interest playing out in Latin America

America, BDS, capitalism, Drudge report, gentrification, globalization, illegal immigrants, Israel, Israeli racism, Jewish tyranny, Jewry, Jews own media, Moses, Plunder sector, Private Sector, South America, special interest, Trump, U.S, Uncategorized, War on Christianity, War on sovereignty, World chaos, Zionism

“I think the Monroe Doctrine is as relevant today as it was the day it was written (two centuries ago)”. Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State, Feb. 2, 3027-March 31, 2018. Introduction President Trump cancelled his attendance at the Summit of the Americas meeting of all the 35 presidents of the region designed to debate and […]

via Latin America in the Time of Trump — Astute News

Why I no longer turn to the Drudge Report

America, Breitbart, Drudge report, fake news, Israel, Israeli terrorism, Jewish censorship, Jewish tyranny, Jewry, Matt Drudge, Palestine, special interest, U.S, Uncategorized, Zionism

Reprinted from December 30, 2017

Following U.S. President Trump’s, “Jeruselum is the capital of Israel” announcement, in December, people around the world demonstrated against it.  Palestinians were wounded and killed by Israelis, and, notably, a paraplegic Palestinian man was fatally shot in the head, by Israeli militants, for raising a Palestinian flag up in the air.  Did the Drudge Report report these events?  Not at all.   Instead, he published headlines about Trump’s ‘winning’.

Matt Drudge, a Jew himself, defends Zionism.  Though I had heard much about about him as a teenager in the 90s, I only began following the Drudge Report in 2016.  His interest in conservative politics made him stand out, last year, in an ever more Progressive world.  His coverage of the Presidential campaign did indeed help Donald Trump to win the presidency.  However, in the months following President Trump’s inauguration, his blatant support of  Zionism became apparent.  This is in direct conflict with the majority of conservative [Christian] American voters who want an immediate end to the funding of conflicts in the Middle East and to the financial handout of U.S. money to Israel.  Matt Drudge’s true political alliance has been revealed and it dismantles any lasting contribution he may have been able to make to the success of the conservative movement which helped to land Donald Trump in the Oval Office.  Matt Drudge is stuck in 90’s style sensationalism, reminiscent of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, that worked for him then, but is lagging in journalistic pertinence now.  He will become increasingly irrelevant as he continues to cover up for an ultimate Israeli agenda.

This article points out Drudge’s influencial connection to Jared Kushner and his concern over the Iran deal.


 This article is good for understanding how Drudge appears to project the conservative voice, when in reality is playing off of the liberal agenda for the sake of variety and chaos.


 This article is good for understanding the ties between Breitbart News and Israel.  Its founder, Andrew Breitbart, notably got his start in neo-conservative media by learning from Matt Drudge.
