Praise for: ‘Death to Arabs’: Palestinians Need International Protection From Israel’s Racist Jewish Thugs- Haaretz opinion

America synonymous with Israel, Israel, Jewish racism, Jewish radicalism

Palestinians certainly do need international protection from racist Jews, period.


God is the Zionist Jews’ divine Landlord in the political world. You can’t make this stuff up.

America synonymous with Israel, foreign agent Israel, Israel, Israel hates Palestinians, Israeli crimes against humanity, Jewish landlords, Jews hate Palestinians, Palestine, Uncategorized, Zionism


This is religious extremism.  The Israelis “own” their land because God is their landlord.  Only Israelis can mandate religious laws and then expect the rest of the world to quietly follow along.

If we’re going to refer to the written word, how about: thou shall not murder; thou shall not steal; thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s property;thou shalt not have another God before me. That’s from the Christian bible too, or did they skip that chapter?

Read the news article here, on CHRISTIAN BROADCASTING NETWORK, NO LESS:
