NY1 toots decline in NYC murder in 2018- down to a whopping 289 from 292

America, illegal immigrants, Jewish liberalism, New York City, Uncategorized

Murder, rape, assault, shootings, theft, break-ins, etc. are EVERY DAY occurences in NYC.   These numbers may not seem that high for a city like NYC, but as a New Yorker, I get news of dreadful crimes committed every single day on Spectrum NY1.

This report leaves out just how much crime is committed by illegal immigrants in the corrupt establishment’s attempt to blur who is American and who isn’t.



Rampant illegal immigration, over population of the lowest class of people and political corruption has turned NYC into hell- but police declare crime is way down.

America, Jewish Capitalism, Jewish corruption, Jewish Establishment, Jewish Identity Politics, Jewish landlords, Jewish tyranny, Jews, Jews first, New York City, Progressives, Uncategorized

In just the past few weeks:

Junior was brutally stabbed to death with a machete by Dominican gang members in the Bronx.

A baby was thrown off a bridge to its death.

5 people were shot to death in Astoria.

The Dominican terrorist that ran his car into pedestrians last year announced that he has decided to sue the victims for damages.

132,000 drivers clocked exceeding speed limit leading to pedestrian, feral cat, and wildlife deaths.

Subway conductor gets beaten by riders on the platform.

Homelessness among young Americans is at an all time high.

And, yours truy, was brutally beaten, by a psychopath animal trafficker, last August.  Police on the scene did not arrest the woman as she fled and they did not immediately offer me medical attention.  In fact, they didn’t even want to write the report.  I still have the bumps and pain in my hands, one year later.

This is the progressive Jews’ (and their useful idiots, illegal immigrant public advocates) beloved New York City.  Their paradise, yes- the city even they admit is the most Jewish in the whole world- even more than Israel.





“Hands off the Latinos,” City Council member tells Washington Heights police department.

America, illegal immigrants, New York City, Uncategorized

Drug dealers were sitting on the doorsteps of a private home in Washington Heights and the resident was told by the police department that there was nothing they could do because the City Council member told them, “Hands off the Latinos.”

It is just Wrong to protect criminals like this.