De Blasio bullies and guilt trips Veterinarians into donating their ventilators for human use. The right thing is for our government to take the blame for its greed and lack of production and preparation and stop taking from the people and now, from animals.

animal medicine, animal rights, Corona virus, de Blasio, Shameful greedy unprepared American government, stealing from the people, Uncategorized, veterinarians

For Shame on De Blasio for bullying and guilt tripping Vets into donating their ventilators for human use. The right thing is for our government to take the blame for its greed and lack of production and preparation. Now animal hospitals cannot give ventilation to animals that are in dire need.

Why not open the hotels for victims of their abusers during Corona Virus lockdown? Priorities need to be reset all across the board.

America, America synonymous with Israel, Corona virus, corrupt American establishment globalism, Decline of America, Jews and money, Uncategorized

The Covid-19 lockdown is a death sentence for many women. Not from the virus, but from being stuck indoors with a violent partner


By Godfree Roberts Source China suffered through the H1N1 coronavirus epidemic in 2008 largely because the CDC took 6 months to identify it and, as a result, 300,000 died prematurely. SARS (774 deaths) was the clincher. They created a hair-trigger alarm system, mandated post-mortem pneumonia DNA testing nationwide, and promoted the CDC head, Dr. George […]

via New Evidence the US Did Bring COVID-19 to Wuhan During the Military Games — Uprootedpalestinians’s Blog

New Evidence the US Did Bring COVID-19 to Wuhan During the Military Games — Uprootedpalestinians’s Blog

America, China, Corona virus, Wuhan

President Trump, like a true establishment capitalist, is thinking ahead to getting people back to work asap. That’s good and fine, until people start dropping dead because we have no cure in place. How idiotic can he be?! Sure, Bail out industry with trillions of dollars AND SEND PEOPLE BACK TO WORK ASAP. See why Bernie Sanders didn’t vote yes on the bill? Trump needs a strong contingency plan in place before he seeks to normalize the economy and social interactions. This is why we need a government that uses our TAX DOLLARS for the benefit of the people- not the private industries. Clearly, we need a new Establishment.

Corona virus, Jewish Capitalism, Jewish private sector, Trump, Uncategorized

By contrast, NY Governor Andrew Cuomo, smartly said during his press conference today that between the economy and their lives, peope will choose their lives.  He also suggested that resolved people and the least vulnerable are probably among the first to return to work, which seems reasonable.

America is not doing a good job of addressing the Corona Virus Pandemic because the private sector is battling the public sector. This is what happens in a nation that backs the corrupt 1% globalists and paints public interest as “special interest”. It is the Public that pays their taxes, this country belongs to Americans- not the 1% special interest.”

America, America synonymous with Israel, American Jewry, Corona virus, corrupt American establishment globalism, Fascist Jewish Americans, Jewish Capitalism, Jewish globalists, Jewish one percent, Jewish private sector, Uncategorized, Western Global Jews