We are all in the West Bank now: Israel is spying on activists using Facebook-owned WhatsApp

America, America synonymous with Israel, American Jewry, Facebook, foreign agent Israel, Israel, Israeli crimes against humanity, Jewish censorship, Jewish tyranny, Out of control Israel, Uncategorized

Facebook-owned WhatsApp messenger has been weaponized to bug the phones of human rights campaigners, lawyers, and other dissidents with an Israeli spyware, sparking a backlash against the program’s manufacturer.  “NSO Group sells its products to governments who are known for outrageous human rights abuses, giving them the tools to track activists and critics. The attack on Amnesty International was the final straw,” Danna Ingelton, deputy director of Amnesty Tech, said in a statement on Monday. “It’s time to stop the use of NSO Group’s tools to infiltrate, intimidate and silence civil society.”

Source:  https://www.rt.com/news/459267-whatsapp-vulnerability-israeli-spyware/



Israeli soldiers break into a home in the middle of the night, severely beat a blind, diabetic man on dialysis as his wife begs them to stop. Later, an Israeli military spokesman’s explanation does not remotely resemble the family’s description of the incident. The post Without Saying a Word, Israeli Troops Beat Up a Blind…

via Without Saying a Word, Israeli Troops Beat Up a Blind Man in His Bed — If Americans Knew Blog

Without Saying a Word, Israeli Troops Beat Up a Blind Man in His Bed — If Americans Knew Blog

Israeli crimes against humanity, Israeli terrorism, Jewish violence, Out of control Israel

Condemnation of IDF Killings Is Never Anti-Semitic but Is Always an Essential Duty of the Global Media to Report By Hans Stehling, As of November 19, last year, lethal force by Israeli forces resulted in the killing of 252 and injuring of 25,522 Palestinians in Gaza, OCHA has reported. Many of the injuries were life-changing, […]

via Condemnation of IDF Killings Is Never Anti-Semitic but Is Always an Essential Duty of the Global Media to Report — Uprootedpalestinians’s Blog

Condemnation of IDF Killings Is Never Anti-Semitic but Is Always an Essential Duty of the Global Media to Report — Uprootedpalestinians’s Blog

America, BDS, Israel, Israel hates Palestinians, Israeli crimes against humanity, Israeli discrimination, Israeli terrorism, Jewish apartheid, Jewish tyranny, Out of control Israel, Palestine

Israel says “No” to clean running water for Palestinian villages While illegal, unauthorized Israeli settlements nearby enjoy full access to water, twelve Palestinian villages lose their water supply as Israeli forces systematically destroy their EU-donated water system. On February 13, 2019, Israeli forces arrived near the village of a-Tuwani in the South Hebron Hills. The […]

via israel (apartheid state) says “No” to clean running water for Palestinian villages — Uprootedpalestinians’s Blog

Out of Control: Israel (apartheid state) says “No” to clean running water for Palestinian villages — Uprootedpalestinians’s Blog

America, apartheid, BDS, Israel, Israel hates Palestinians, Israeli crimes against humanity, Jewish fascism, Jewish tyranny, Jews, Jews and politics, Out of control Israel, Uncategorized, United Nations

Sputnik – 25.02.2019 The UN has been adopting resolutions condemning the Israeli occupation of the Golan Heights for decades; however Tel Aviv hasn’t changed its policies and is continuing to exercise sovereignty over the disputed territory, including holding municipal elections. Secretary-General of the UN Antonio Guterres has presented a report to the UN Human Rights […]

via Israel Burying ‘Nuclear Waste With Radioactive Content’ in Golan – UN Report — Aletho News

No Shame: Israel Burying ‘Nuclear Waste With Radioactive Content’ in Golan – UN Report — Aletho News

Israel, Israeli crimes against humanity, Jewish narcissism, Jewish tyranny, Jews, nuclear weapons, Out of control Israel, Syria, Uncategorized

Another Appauling Haaretz headline: “The real reason for Netanyahu’s ferocious attacks on Israel’s ARAB CITIZENS”

Israel, Israel hates Palestinians, Israeli crimes against humanity, Israeli discrimination, Israeli racism, Israeli terrorism, Jews, Out of control Israel, Uncategorized

Netanyahu has always known that anti-Arab incitement pays political dividends. But these elections have witnessed a new level of incitement, triggered by fear of an Arab society that is finding its voice and its identity


Anti-Semitism circus highlights break-ups that are way past due with Israel

America, Anti-Christian, Anti-Semitism burnout, Israel, Jewish Catholic hate, Jewish exploitation, Jewish finger pointing, Jewish war mongering, Jews and diamonds, Out of control Israel, Uncategorized, Western Jewry

Enough is enough:  Warsaw won’t bow to ‘lies & racist insults,’ Polish PM says amid simmering row with Israel – RT News


  • America needs to break up with Israel

  • France needs to break up with Israel

  • Germany needs to break up with Israel

  • The United Nations needs to break up with Israel

  • Ireland needs to break up with Israel

  • Poland needs to break up with Israel

  • Spain needs to break up with Israel

  • The Vatican needs to break up with Israel

  • Africa needs to break up with Israel

  • Argentina needs to break up with Israel

  • Brazil needs to break up with Israel

  • Ecuador needs to break up with Israel

And many more…