As usual, citizens are caught in the crossfire: India’s Tik Tok ban following border clash with China disenfranchised countless of everyday Indians gaining a following on the Chinese video platform.- Al

China, India



US – UK Intel Agencies Declare Cyber War on Independent Media — Aletho News

government surveillance

“It seems that, from the perspective of the UK national-security state, those who question corruption in the pharmaceutical industry and its possible impact on the leading experimental Covid-19 vaccine candidates (all of which use experimental vaccine technologies that have never before been approved for human use) should be targeted with tools originally designed to combat terrorist propaganda.”

By Whitney Webb | Unlimited Hangout | November 11, 2020 In just the past week, the national-security states of the United States and United Kingdom have discreetly let it be known that the cyber tools and online tactics previously designed for use in the post-9/11 “war on terror” are now being repurposed for use against […]

US – UK Intel Agencies Declare Cyber War on Independent Media — Aletho News

Displeased with the status quo? Then you’re a “dangerous” “Anti-Semitic” “hater”

America, Israel, Israeli terrorism, Jews, Jews first, Uncategorized

Hate mongering, fear mongering, and war mongering.  Citizens are not allowed to disapprove of or vote against the corrupt status quo in the West, lest they be labeled, “dangerous haters” and “Anti-Semites.”

Who you are and are not allowed to vote for, per tribal Jews:

Keepers of “Liberal Democracy” always persecuted for their “religious beliefs”

America, Jewish apartheid, Jewish Capitalism, Jewish corruption, Jewish Establishment, Jewish extremism, Jewish Identity Politics, Jewish liberalism, Jews, Jews first, Uncategorized

Blame Whites, blame conservatives, blame Christians, blame Jesus Christ, blame socialists, blame communists, blame the disenfranchised, blame sovereign citizens, blame everyone except themselves and their activities.

“Religious persecution” “Conspiracy Theory” LIES.  Most people don’t even know what the hell Jews do believe in.

Truth: “Persecuted for their religious beliefs” is actually, not true.  People don’t like special interest Jews for:

  • Condeming Christianity
  • Promoting immorality
  • War mongering
  • Monopolizing
  • Elevating themselves
  • Tribal behavior
  • Seizing land
  • Seizing control of money
  • Seizing political power
  • Marginalizing or erradicating opponents
  • Seizing legal power
  • Promoting debt
  • Promoting materialism and idolatry
  • Money laundering tax payer dollars for their benefit
  • Discriminating against and insulting sovereign citizens

Read their twisted explanation here:

Housing crisis in America: The problem with Jewish Capitalism that Trump Doesn’t talk about

America, border crossing, capitalism, illegal immigrants, Jewish Capitalism, Jews, Jews first, Uncategorized, West coast

As Jews appropriate property in the prime real estate market, they displace everyday Americans forcing them into homelessness. Add illegals to the equation and you have the current housing crisis happening in the West of the United States.

Citizens fight the privatizing of water in El Salvador

capitalism, Central America, Jewish Capitalism, Jewish corruption, Jewish landlords, Jewish tyranny, Plunder sector, Private Sector, Uncategorized

The sign in this article reads:

“In Capitalism, water is always merchandise.”

We know who uses Capitalism to strip countries of their natural resources for the enrichment of a powerful few.

Corrupt American Establishment tightens it’s stranglehold on the struggling middle-class: Supreme court rules Etsy sellers must pay taxes

America, Art, Jewish corruption, Jewish Establishment, Jewish tyranny, Jews, Jews first, Uncategorized

While rich Americans don’t pay taxes and police let illegal immigrants sell on the street without a license, struggling middle-class Americans selling artisan trinkets online to help pay the bills now have to worry about taxes on Etsy to “even out competition” with merchant store owners