Made by yours truly, here are African fabric hair scrunchies I’ve made based on my inspiration: China’s Belt and Road Initiative!

Africa, Africa Trade, Art, Belt and Road Initiative, BRI, China, Uncategorized

I made these months ago.  I hope you enjoy them; they’re hair scrunchies I’ve made with colorful African print fabric which I personally selected for its beauty and quality!

Africa is Rising thanks in great part to China!

(I sell them in case you’d like one)

Photo by Maritza Rivera, 2019




Trump’s ridiculous trade war will hit my budding recycle art business

America, American Jewry, Art, China, Jews envy China, Made in China, plastic, Recycle, Trump, Uncategorized

I have come to depend on China for low cost earring hooks; buttons; and decoration for my recycle products.  Thanks to Trump, the profit margin that I had in mind for my creations has significantly dropped.

Trump is out of control and is painting this picture as something good when it hurts citizens and small business entrepeneurs the most.

June1718 579


Can China’s debt-ridden millennial and Gen-Z shoppers continue to prop up their favourite luxury brands?

America, Canada, China, Chinese tech, economy, Huawei, Italy, Jewish Capitalism, trade, Uncategorized

The answer is no and for more than one reason:

  • America’s trade war and persecution of Chinese communications technology has resulted in less Chinese tourists in America and lower Apple iphone sales in China.
  • Canada’s cooperation with the U.S. for the arrest of Huawei’s CFO in Vancouver resulted in the Chinese boycott of the Canadian fashion brand Canada Goose.
  • Italy’s Dolce & Gabbana’s high fashion brand took a nasty financial and public relations blow after it ran a fashion ad, in China, featuring a Chinese model that was struggling to eat pizza with chopsticks.

Celine Dion is the latest star to go public with her fancy for the Hollywood occult

America, Israel, Uncategorized

Celine Dion has teamed up with an Israeli based fashion clothing line to create a Satanic line of clothing for children.

NUNUNU’s agenda is not only about gender-neutrality. It is about something much darker. A quick trip down the brand’s Instagram Page reveals some disturbing material: The sexualization of children, satanism and Monarch mind control. In short, all of the obsessions of the occult elite.
