The success of America’s Free Trade Deal with Central America and Dominican Republic (CAFTA-DR) depends heavily on large populations of immigrants from these countries living in America.

America, America synonymous with Israel, American Jewry, CAFTA-DR, Central America, Dominicans, Free Trade, global jewry, globalization, illegal immigrants, New York City, Uncategorized

Do you cook with these ingredients on a daily basis?  Immigrants from Central America and Dominican Republic, living in America, do.


America, economy, Plunder sector, special interest, Uncategorized

CAFTA-DR is the poisonous free trade agreement (I have blogged about before) which has played a starring role in the illegal arrival of millions of Central Americans and Dominicans into the U.S.A.  Though it is mostly too late to do anything about their illegal migration into America, we should revoke this free trade deal immediately, for whatever it is worth.

Who cashes in on this free trade deal?

  • Landlords
  • Doctors
  • Lawyers
  • Car sales industry
  • Insurance companies
  • Special interest non-profits
  • Tax accountants
  • Business owners getting cheap “skilled labor” in Spanish
  • Companies that sell products and services.
  • Cable companies
  • Publishers

The global elite and politicians were especially evil to conceal the major repercussions this special interest free trade deal would have on everyday Americans.  They have been passing off American discontent as “racism” when they know it’s really all about commerce and Profit.  They must be held accountable for this.


Portraying the good, bad, and ugly for the 15-year-old Dominican Republic-Central American Free Trade Agreement

via DR-CAFTA and Mr. Hyde — DR-CAFTA 101

Free trade with Israel floods our supermarkets with their star product SABRA: I want an alternative.

America, Israel, Uncategorized

Free trade with Israel floods America’s supermarkets with Israel’s best known export: Sabra hummus and dips.

I have read that hummus is widely considered a Lebanese specialty.  Israel just wants in on their identity (typical of them to infiltrate other cultures for status and profit) and is marketing hummus as Israel’s national dish.  What nerve.

So I have been on a mission to make sure I buy Lebanese hummus to the best of my ability with what is available in the local supermarkets.  It’s pretty hard because everywhere you just see Sabra, Sabra, Sabra; all the time.

I came across a great article which reviewed different brands of hummus, from the supermarket, to find the one that tastes the best.  The winner was Cedars hummus, Lebanese quality in America.  Now that I know what I am looking for, I will let you know when I am able to try Cedars hummus for myself.  Interestingly, Sabra was rated poorly in the taste-test with what the writer referred to as a rancid taste.  I always tasted that too, but just didn’t know any better since Sabra is all you see in the market.  Ideally, I can get my hands on a hummus product from Lebanon, but it isn’t easy and may require more work.

To read the article:

To visit Cedars hummus website:


Now that I understand America’s trade deals, I have a better understanding of why illegals are here and why they’re treated better than Americans.

America, illegal immigrants, illegals steal jobs, Private Sector, special interest, Uncategorized

It’s hard for me to fathom (coming from an old fashioned America that placed value on knowledge and education), why illegal immigrants from the Dominican Republic, Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, are so highly prized by my country’s government.

Now that I am able to see them through the eyes of special interest American trade deals, it gives me a new understanding of their purpose here and why they are under the wing of the American political establishment.  The truth doesn’t make the situation better, but it’s a small amount of consolation, at least.  I wish that the American government had the guts to lay it all out to the American people plainly:

  • We don’t want to pay you high wages.
  • We don’t want to give you full-time steady jobs.
  • We don’t want to upgrade your work title.
  • We don’t want to pay your retirement.
  • We don’t want to spend money on giving you free job training.
  • We don’t want you to access Social Security because that has become our private fund now.
  • We don’t want global citizens; we want to do business with foreigners.
  • We don’t care if you become homeless; we have special interest business to carry out.
  • We don’t care if your living standards are going down; we can’t bother to sustain. you because there isn’t any profit in it for us; only financial loss.
  • We always know what is best; you don’t.

But the American government doesn’t have the guts to tell its citizens this or even to arrange exchange programs with other countries to compensate for the loss of work opportunities and quality of life here in the U.S.  Even citizens are used as their own political pawns until the very end.  The amount of selfishness, arrogance, and thoughtlessness that the establishment exercises is obscene.

On top of this, Americans are bombarded with sales, credit cards, and advertising, all the time.  So, whatever little money Americans are making goes straight back to the elite once it is spent on services.  How do you work for positive change with a corrupt establishment that doesn’t want change at all??

U.S. gives Dominican Republic 56 million dollars in foreign aid- but they get much more than that.

America, CAFTA-DR, Dominicans, illegal immigrants, money laundering, Uncategorized

With high levels of Dominican poverty, crime, fraud, and illiteracy, I have to wonder why the U.S.A is doing so much for this country and its people??  Clearly something is going on, but it is hard to know what.

For example, this excerpt from


The United States has a strong interest in a democratic, stable, and economically healthy Dominican Republic and supports its democratic and economic development. The Dominican Republic registered the second-fastest economic growth in Latin America during 2017 (behind only Panama) with low, stable inflation. Nonetheless, income inequality remains high and the country faces some considerable obstacles to sustaining such robust growth over the long term, including the poor quality of the country’s education system, the inability of the health system to adequately respond to the population’s needs, and severe inefficiencies in the energy sector. While there have been efforts to address corruption, improving transparency is a priority in order to consolidate the country’s democratic gains. The U.S. Government works with Dominican authorities to address these issues, as well as with local and international partners to strengthen institutional and technical capacity.

But it does not say WHY the U.S. “has a strong interest” in the Domincan Republic.  This is key information that is missing.

This website says that the U.S gives 56 million dollars of aid to DR.

This one says it’s 26 million.

I say, if you count all of the welfare fraud, business loans they receive in the U.S., Social Security fraud, Medicaid fraud, food stamp fraud, and money wire transfers from Dominicans in the U.S. to their home country, DR, the total amount of “U.S. money” DR is more like 1 billion annually.

I do believe that by not cracking down on Dominican fraud, (since the U.S. has such a “strong interest” in DR) that it is very difficult to ever know the exact amount of money DR receives from the U.S.  I can tell you, however, that I think so much” “aid” is ill spent.



NAFTA Benefits elite business owners and illegal immigrants with food stamps paid for by tax payers.

America, Establishment, Jewry, Mexico, money laundering, NAFTA, Private Sector

NAFTA helps elite business owners AND illegal immigrants, with food stamps paid for by tax payers.  This is the money laundering of tax payer dollars.  What a scam this is!

Very clever indeed, establish free trade so the elite don’t have to pay to import the goods that will go in their stores; import lots of illegals into the country to buy the products and work for cheap; give illegals tax payer funded food stamps with which to buy the imported goods from their homeland.  As if that is not enough, illegals then use their home country goods with which to make tacos and tamales  (ethnic food) for sale to the public.  Let’s take this even further.  Illegals then wire transfer money they earn back to family in their country; those transactions fuel the money transfer business which is why there are so many of them in sanctuary cities.   In many cases, the money that is wired back is used to fund the construction of a business (and a home) that they hope they can go back to, one day.  The elite always get cheap labor and grow their business empire- thanks to illegals and American tax payers.

This also explains our trade deficit.  What products are Americans making that Mexicans are buying, en masse, in Mexico?  Not many.

Who wins from this set up?  The business owners.  The land lords.  The illegals.

Who loses?  American industry.  American tax payers.

These pictures are from the supermarket.

Charras is imported from Mexico.


Maseca is made in Mexico.

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Maseca (NAFTA, free trade product) is used to make tamales that Mexican illegals end up selling to other Mexicans and to the general public. $$$

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Mexican specialty spices likely come from Mexico, even if they are packaged in America.


Mexicans (and other Latinos from CAFTA-DR free trade agreement) consume fried pork skin- not good for the growing vegan movement in the U.S.  So, what compassionate Americans are trying to change for the benefit of animals, the elites go around it and import a whole bunch of meat eaters with which to keep the bloody factory-farm-animal-industry going.  SAD.


Money that Mexican illegals earn selling Mexican products and/or working for low wages, gets wired back to Mexico; thanks NAFTA!!

See this picture?  The Mexican grocery store (full of products from Mexico) is in red on the left, the money transfer business is in green on the right!!!  How much clearer can it get? $$$

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Free Trade with Israel enables Israeli monopoly on popular goods in the U.S.

America, Israel, Uncategorized

These photos are from the three major supermarkets in my neighborhood.  Behold, these products are perpetually on “sale” giving Israel the edge over competitors.  I prefer diversity so that Israel does not have this unfair monopoly on popular goods in the U.S..  Americans deserve superior access to products made in other parts of the world.

 Sabra Mexican Salsa- made in Israel (on Palestinian land)

Sabra Mexican Guacamole- made in Israel (on Palestinian land)

Sabra Arab Hummus- made in Israel (on Palestinian land)

Sabra Italian Bruschetta- made in Israel (on Palestinian land