KRAKOW, Poland (JTA) — A Polish bishop said that “a certain nation” plotted in 1937 to divide and slander the Catholic Church by controlling the media.

America, America synonymous with Israel, American Jewry, anti-Catholic, Anti-Christian, Anti-Semitism burnout, Catholic, Jews resent Catholics, Uncategorized, War on Catholicism, Western Jewry

The true and serious problem that needs addressing is Anti-Christian-ism in today’s Western World.

“Polish bishop delivers thinly veiled anti-Semitic sermon”

May 3,2019

“A certain nation, I can’t name it because I would be attacked from all sides immediately, said this: ‘Our natural enemy is the Catholic Church. We need to slander them and sow hatred against them, we have to create scandals about their private lives to incite hatred and ridicule against them. We must strengthen our media because then our control will be strong and secure’,” Jez said.

Schudrich also said that the sermon shows “there is a problem that needs addressing inside the Catholic Church” in Poland, one of the European countries where the Catholic Church enjoys the highest levels of influence.

Progressive Establishment Tactict: Loudly presenting marginal views as if they are mainstream views

America, Anti-Christian, Democratic strategies, Progressives, Uncategorized

This scathing CNN Opinion article aims to smear Jesus Christ as well as commonly held Christian beliefs as intolerant:

Mainstream Fact:  The majority of people in the world view marriage as a union between a man and a woman.

Also fact:  Jesus saved a woman from being stoned to death for immoral conduct by saying that anyone who is without sin can be the first to throw a stone at her.   No one threw a stone.

Christians are tolerant of LGBTQ people, but that doesn’t mean that marriage is suddenly between two men or two women.  Progressives are blatantly aiming to redefine the Christian/Catholic faith with their twisted notions of what is right and wrong.

Jerusalem Post’s doctored definition of “Anti-Semitism”

Israel, Jewish corruption, Jews, Uncategorized


Antisemitism is hostility towards or prejudice against the Jewish people. Since biblical times, Jews experienced periods in which they were persecuted for refusing to adopt the religion and culture of the ruling societies in which they lived. The rise of Christianity and perception of Jews as rejectors of Jesus led to a rise in antisemitism.

The Catholic faith is too passive for its own good.

Catholic, Jesus, Uncategorized, Zionism

When Jews aren’t busy condemning Catholics for the pedophile scandals of the church,  trashing a Christian chicken sandwich franchise for closing on Sundays, or degrading the bible as an overrated book that is a waste of your time, Jews are busy making buddy buddy plans together (with the Catholic church) for good PR.  Here, they are working together to create yet another Holocaust memorial.  Jews also worked with Catholics to  have the Christ redeemer statue (in Brazil) lit blue and white in honor of the opening of the U.S embassy in Jerusalem.  What a disgrace to use Jesus as a billboard for the deadly selfish Zionist agenda.

The Catholic faith is too passive for its own good.  I, however, am not fooled by Israel’s deplorable attempt to convert Catholics to Israel-worshipping followers.  I feel bad for Christian Evangelicals because Israel has eclipsed Christ for them, whether they know it or not.  Any time a Christian is being brainwashed to worship Israel and not Jesus, BEWARE ; it’s the corrupt Zionists at work and they do not worship Jesus, infact, they eschew Him.  I stand with Jesus, not Israel.  It is the Jewish way to use Jesus as an advertisement for Israel.  True Catholics know that love for Jesus lives in our hearts– wherever we may be and that is what counts, that is what makes all the difference.  Long live the difference.

Brazil Christ Redeemer statue lit in blue and white…

Jews and Catholics propose Holocaust memorial

“Why waste your breath moaning at the crowd?”

Catholic, crimes against humanity, Easter, Establishment, freedom of speech, government surveillance, Israel, Israeli terrorism, Jesus, Jewish censorship, Jewish tyranny, Jewry, Jews own media, Middle East, Palestine, Plunder sector, Private Sector, special interest, Uncategorized, War, War on Christianity, Zionism

“Why waste your breath moaning at the crowd?  Nothing can be done to stop the shouting.  If every tongue were still, the noise would continue: the rocks and stones themselves, would start to sing.”  – Jesus Christ Superstar, 1973.

It is futile to muffle or to blasphem the Christian’s love and support for Jesus.  Even in perfect silence,  the Lord sings through the beauty of nature.  The roses, the sparrows, the glistening water, the rustling of leaves…  #ImwithJesus

Count on Zionist Briebart News to feature this blasphemous article, about Jesus Christ, just in time for Easter.

Breitbart, Catholic, Easter, Jesus, Jewish tyranny, Jewry, special interest, U.S, Uncategorized, War on Christianity, Zionism

It never fails, just before a major Catholic holiday, I find Jesus ridicule in the news and Jewish movies galore on TV, so as to completely eclipse holy Catholic holidays, on purpose.  For example, TCM, a classic movie channel with Jewish presenter Ben Mankiewicz, as its main star and host, will be featuring a series of Mel Brooks films about Jesus and Moses for the occasion of Easter.

Yesterday, Zionist Breitbart News published this article with a large techni-color image of a transvestite Jesus, clad with make up, fake lashes, and all, on its Facebook page bright and early at 6:35am in the morning making it the first news of the day.  It’s about the new tone the theology program at the Jesuit-run College of the Holy Cross has taken on since a gender-obsessed Chair of New Testament Studies who claims Jesus was a “drag king,” has been appointed.  Clearly, this is a Progressive move to infiltrate and corrupt the Catholic Catechism.  Many reader comments condemned the development as a blasphemous attempt to brainwash would-be Christians.  I also condemn this development at Holy Cross and the way in which Breitbart exploited it for maximum reader shock.  They wouldn’t feature a story about Israeli crimes against Palestinians in techni-color, front and center, on their Facebook page at 6:35am, would they?  No, they wouldn’t.

To view the article, click here: