Size matters in geopolitics, so the West is excited China’s population growth is ending. But here’s how Beijing will solve it- RT op-ed

America, China, over-population

This is an interesting article, but it failed to observe a subtle shift that is growing in trend: Americans are switching from consumer to production economy. More Americans want to make things because there is a shortage of supply due to the trade war with China. Also, more Americans are considering working abroad or renouncing their citizenship because they don’t like the jobs in the job market and because they don’t feel safe with all the crime and because they want more bang for their income.

Floods of unproductive illegals that can barely read, write, or speak acceptably, will not solve the problem since selling goods like tamales, beef patties, and flowers (and wiring that income to their home country) will certainly not be enough to make America a powerful economy. Quality will be more important than quantity as we move forward in a more competitive globalized world.

Population may matter but America’s long-term economic growth is anything but secure.


Establishment American-Globalist disaster: America faces the music for shipping production jobs overseas


America is paying the price for shipping production jobs overseas, over the last 30-40 years. The decoupling with China now unveils the ugly truth: America is nowhere near able to handle its own production needs.


Why the Jewish Question is not without an answer

America, Israel, Israeli terrorism, Jewish Capitalism, Jewish corruption, Jews, special interest, Uncategorized
  1. Build a Citizen Alliance
  2. Stop buying their “stuff” and shun a lifestyle of blind consumerism
  3. Stop buying their movies and watching their progressive shows
  4. Stop borrowing large amounts of money from them (bank loans)
  5. Support Catholic-religion based schooling
  6. Learn skills and make your own products (especially with recycle material)
  7. No taxes or penalties for selling your products on the street or online
  8. Learn foreign languages
  9. Don’t eat/drink out as much and don’t buy junk food, fast food; cook your own meals for yourself and for your friendly gatherings.
  10. Demand free vocational training and certificates
  11. Create your own media network/mass media productions
  12. Create your own papers which will cover issues that are important to you that the MSM doesn’t cover
  13. Take care of your mental, emotional, and physical health so you can rely less on medical drugs, doctors, and surgeries
  14. Demand low cost recreation centers
  15. Socialize with like minded peers
  16. Have children
  17. Support the creation of foreign exchange citizen programs
  18. Stop taxing Americans that work abroad
  19. Stop taxing Middle-Class to death
  20. As a Christian/Catholic- support Jesus openly:  T-shirts, pins
  21. Discuss the Jew’s role in progressive, fascist, and rebel insurgency politics, at home and abroad, openly
  22. Support Palestine’s right to exist and the sovereignty of Middle Eastern nations
  23. Rebuke Israel’s exemption from International Human Rights Law
  24. Denounce an American political agenda full of threats and war mongering, at home and abroad
  25. Vote progressive Jewish leaders out of political office
  26. Demand that AIPAC and Israeli organizations in American be labeled as Foreign Agent propaganda
  27. Demand that AIPAC pay taxes
  28. Demand higher taxes for the rich
  29. Diversity quotas on Jews
  30. Protect your intellectual property
  31. Publish books about topics that matter to you
  32. Create workshops to build up your like minded peers
  33. Vote pro-citizen
  34. Shun establishment special interest fake news








America: The mainstream interpretation of events only serves to fuel the status quo

America, China, economy, localization, Plunder sector, pollution, Private Sector, production, special interest, tariffs, U.S, Uncategorized

If we raise tariffs on imports from China, the U.S. economy and consumer power as we know it will be doomed, as per the MSM.  Well, that depends if you see the cup as half-full or half empty.

For starters, big production companies that make and sell reknowned products would be the main victims of higher tariffs on Chinese goods- not necessarily American citizens.

  1.  Taking manufactering power away from the private sector brand giants, would create opportunity for everyday Americans to produce items for their own use.  How, can this be accomplished?  By turning to the value of recycling.  For example:  turning those worn t-shirts into headbands; turning plastic bottles into decorative flower art; using cardboard to create interior decorations; using wood planks to create your own table or shelf; or using your sewing machine to make your own skirt.
  2. Citizens with a talent for creating and producing products would then have more selling power as the competition will grow to meet consumer demands.  This opens the path for higher quality goods coming from small but quality custom design studios.  The potential for new interpersonal relationships increases as citizens turn to each other to meet their consumer needs- not to a giant chain stores.
  3. China has already moved on to bigger fish to fry these days.  They are harnessing their power to innovate technology- they don’t have to manufacture toys for 99 cent stores anymore to stay alive as a nation
  4. In China’s place would be new providers (countries) willing to accept the opportunity to sell products to the massively populated American market.  The products may be different, the quality may be different, but it wouldn’t be the end of the world.
  5. Turning away from a consumer crazed American mentality would reduce the amount of garbage humans introduce to the environment on a massive, daily, basis.  That would be a positive development for the environment and for animals.

As you can see, change in this sector, would not be a bad thing.  Above all, humans are adaptable creatures and I doubt that a shift in present day conusmer patterns would necessarily spell doom.  This is, however, a perfect example of how the MSM protects its main stream sponsors.

To read the MSM article, click here:

To read about how the amount of garbage pouring into the environment is growing exponentially, click here: