Concern: Conditioning U.S. Military Aid May Never Happen, but the Debate Should Worry Israel- Haaretz analysis

America, America synonymous with Israel

“New U.S. legislation calling for greater supervision over the generous funding given to Israel is likely a nonstarter, but Jerusalem has to come up with better arguments for future discussions”

Last week, Rep. Betty McCollum, a Democrat from Minnesota, and 15 co-sponsors introduced H.R.2407, entitled: “Promoting Human Rights for Palestinian Children Living Under Israeli Military Occupation Act.”

– Source:

Incredible. Israeli tyranny everywhere in the “FREE” world; even in Fordham University.

America, Israel

When “THEY” eventually outlaw the word “Zionist” on Facebook, we’ll all use the real word instead: “Israeli” tyranny, in lieu of “Zionist” tyranny. The truth is the truth.

The Israeli lobby makes sure to permeate Catholic institutions to silence its crimes against humanity, in the West Bank, against another group of God’s people (we’re ALL God’s people): Palestinians!


Out of control Israel: IDF blows up Palestinians prisoner’s home leaving children homeless


This Palestinian man is accused of murdering a settler but the settler violence in the West Bank is just demonic at this point. We don’t know if he was standing his ground defending his home or if he was fighting to save his own life or that of his family members. There is no due justice where Israel is concerned and the IDF is only too glad to blow up his home to make way for more Jewish settlers.


To get out of its way: Israel’s plan for the King of Jordan

America, America synonymous with Israel, American Jewry, Jared Kushner, Jewish appropriation of everything, Jordan, Middle East, Palestine, Uncategorized, Zionism

Out of control Israeli Zionist Jewry is hard at work trying to completely overhaul the entire Middle East in its favor- even if it has to overthrow a King- very ruthless AND pathetic.
