U.S. embassy move to Jerusalem, to be funded by Sheldon Adelson — HolyLandJustice.org

America, apartheid, Israel, Israeli terrorism, Jewish tyranny, Jewry, Trump, Uncategorized

The move would coincide with the 70th anniversary of the founding of the State of Israel, as well as the 70th anniversary of the “Nakba,” the expulsion of 750,000 Palestinians from their homes. By Peter Baker and Gardiner Harris | The New York Times | Feb 23, 2018 “The decision of the US administration to recognize […]

via US will move embassy to Jerusalem in May, to be funded by Sheldon Adelson — HolyLandJustice.org

Why being pro-Israel is highly controversial…

America, Breitbart, capitalism, Civitas, economy, Establishment, government surveillance, Israel, Israeli racism, Israeli terrorism, Jewish censorship, Jewish tyranny, Jewry, Middle East, Private Sector, radicalism, special interest, U.S, Uncategorized, War on Christianity, War on sovereignty, World chaos, Zionism

What it means to be ‘pro-Israel’ Email Published: Friday, 16 February 2018 14:47 It means you’ve lost your freedom and you think mass murder is OK Americans are the hired hitmen of the Jews, destabilizing all societies and then feasting on the carcasses, like true vampires. There is a new secret police in America and it […]

via What it means to be ‘pro-Israel’ — Phi Quyền Chính – Anarchism

I think it is now obvious why Israel should not have their own state

Israel, Israeli racism, Israeli terrorism, Jewish censorship, Jewish question, Jewish tyranny, Jewry, Middle East, Moses, Palestine, Private Sector, sovereignty, special interest, Uncategorized, War, Zionism
  1. As far back as biblical times, Jews did not have their own state; though they dreamed of one.  Now, I am starting to believe that, perhaps, there was a divine reason for this.
  2. They are the chief globalists and are best- known for their ability to disperse throughout the entire world and create establishment-type communities.  A “homeland” is wanting to have their cake and eat it too.
  3.  They were unhappy during biblical times; they continue to sow and reap strife wherever they go (and in their ancient region in the Middle East).

I used to think (up until this past Friday) that it was, ultimately, fine if Jews have their own state in the Middle East albeit their inherent “need for more” had to be curtailed.  Well, not anymore.

As a Christian, I am well aware of the bible’s historical account of the Jewish people.  Though Moses tried to help them by leading them to their promise land, there was no shortage of accusations, blame, and dissatisfaction towards him (all along the way) from the same people he was being mandated [by God] to help.  One day, Moses proclaimed, in exasperation, “Ye rebels; must we fetch you water out of this rock?”- Numbers 20:10

Even Moses had reached a breaking point in his mission to guide the Jews to their promise land.  Moses.  Could it be that, to this day, Jews are still pushing even the people that want to help them to their very limits?  I think so.  Could it be that it is their destiny to roam about, like nomads, without a home state?  I think so.

Whether in their state or dispersed abroad, all matters concerning them seem to inherently go back to the Jewish question: where are the Jewish people to be?  Where can they be without the mind-set that every place in which they dwell is inadequate for their people, bringing about strife and tribulation for others as well?

After Good Friday’s guilt-free bloody massacre of unarmed Palestinians at the Gaza border, I (like Moses) have reached a breaking point too.  I can no longer justify nor tolerate Israel’s heinous crimes against humanity along with their [Jews] incessant cries of rebellion and dissatisfaction, all over the world.   The Jewish question is very much alive today though Jews don’t want to hear anything about it and censor the slightest opposition to their tyranny.  Can “the rebels” ever be complacent, for once, as the rest of us have to be throughout our lives?  Is it not true that human beings do not always get what they want in life?  If their actions speak louder than their words, then we have our answer: there is only one acceptable way- the Jewish way.

Zionism is frightful.

Israel, Israeli racism, Israeli terrorism, Jewish tyranny, Middle East, money laundering, nuclear weapons, Palestine, special interest, Syria, Uncategorized, War, Zionism

Yesterday, I realized something very disconcerting:  Zionism is frightful and immoral.  It began on social media with an uninformed person’s comment, (in response to the spending bill President Trump signed yesterday) that Israel uses the money it receives from American to maintain “peace and stability in the Middle East”.  The amount of ignorance in that statement was astounding.  I commented that Israel does not create peace or stability in the Middle East with American money, but rather “instability.”  I also commented that anyone who believes that Israel is using billions of American dollars to maintain “peace and stability in the Middle East” is “drinking the Kool-Aid” (main stream American narrative) so to speak.  Then, a mutual contact (with Jewish roots) responded to my status, seemingly in defense of the person who wrote the original comment about how Israel “keeps peace and stability in the Middle East.”  In the battle of narrative vs. facts, facts did nothing to change the programmed response of, “Israel is a victim, Israel deserves to exist, Israel and Judaism has been around a long time, Middle Eastern land belongs to Israel.”  It didn’t matter that Israel carries out assaination attempts, car bombings, and plane bombings on foreign soil.  It didn’t matter that the nation of Israel is founded on a ill thought out response to the Jewish Question by the British (the Balfour Declaration) in 1917.  It didn’t matter that Israeli soldiers shoot and kill Palestinians, their children, and paraplegics.  It didn’t matter that Israel has used American money to create their own nuclear weapons.   It didn’t matter which Middle Eastern nation/territory was being invaded, threatened, and destroyed by Israel.  It didn’t matter that Israel, famous for preaching tolerance and democracy, is perpetrating ethnic cleansing/crimes against humanity.  It didn’t matter that Israel rejects the two-state solution, within original borders.  It didn’t matter that Palestinians should have the right of return and equal citizenship rights in the West bank, because it is their native land.  All facts received the same response, “Israel is a victim, Israel deserves to exist, Israel and Judaism has been around a long time, Middle Eastern land rightly belongs to Israel.  Israel just wants peace.”  This is when I realized that Zionism, a creedo that anything and everything is acceptable as long as it serves to exhalt the Jewish people, is not simply a warped concept- but it is fundamentally lacking in moral consiousness and downright dangerous.  I concluded the thread by citing that any facts I brought up were simply not being recognized and that to continue the thread would be pointless.  Encountering Zionist mentallity like this was deeply disturbing in a profound and lasting way.  Zionism is radicalism.