Tablet magazine article: High performing Asian immigrants “Spoilers” to the Jew controlled definition of “Diversity”

America, Jewish corruption, Jewish Establishment, Jewish Identity Politics, Jewish racism, Jewish tyranny, Uncategorized

Neither should we begrudge those invested in this system of mutual advantage their exasperation at Asian immigrants for unwittingly acting as spoilers. For that is what Asians have done: By arriving here in such large numbers, and importing their distinctive orientation toward education—by doing so well on grades and tests and being so assiduous in their pursuit of extracurricular activities—they’ve made it impossible for the brand managers of the Ivy Leagues to preserve the balance between merit and social justice and inherited privilege in a way that is remotely tenable. Something had to give, and it appears that soon enough, something will, with large consequences for the country.

If Jews are so pro-diversity, then how come diversity is not allowed to exist at the tippy top?

America, Jewish Capitalism, Jewish corruption, Jewish Establishment, Jewish Identity Politics, Jewish landlords, Jewish racism, Jewish tyranny, Jews, Jews first, Jews own media, Uncategorized

When minorities are not being used as the Jew’s useful idiot, where are they really at the tippy top?  Nowhere.

And if non-Jews rise to the top, then they become enemies of Jews.  We are currently seeing this (on a global scale) with the mass media’s demonization of China, Russia, and any other country that is doing well for itself without Jewish-approved government.

Oh, but Israel CAN be a fortress! Just not any other countries…

America, globalization, Israel, Jewish tyranny, Jewry, Uncategorized

Getty 17 May 2018 Europe is set to absorb massive waves of migration “for the decades to come”, the EU Commission has declared, vowing the continent will “never become a fortress”. Speaking in Brussels on Wednesday, EU migration chief Dimitris Avramopoulos stressedthat the European Commission would oppose any plans to build a fence on the […]

via EU Commission: ‘Europe Will Never Be a Fortress’, Mass Migration ‘Here to Stay’  — Stop White Genocide.